I’m not on disability but I have been thinking of trying to get on it. So I was wondering who here is on disability and was it hard to get set up with?
Showing a constant broken track record
with employment will help
also saying all you do is sleep and connect with other sz’s helps
I had no trouble getting it
but they just pull a file random
you may need a worker
to ask if you can be pulled.
Good luck.
Am on disability got denied first time I applied then appealed it with a lawyer that only gets paid if he wins the case
Did he win the case?
I’m on disability. I’ve been on it for the last 22 years. I had a very long track record of being in and out of psych hospitals in and out like a revolving door for years and years.
Yes I am. I got it with the first application. Well I didn’t actually fill out the application my dad did it for me and the doctors vouched for me. I don’t know why they gave it to me. I wonder if the fact that I don’t do drugs or drink or smoke helped. I had never worked before that point so all I had done was school. I was hoping at the time that because I had started hearing voices at 19 that I would qualify for Ssdi through my parents earnings but I didn’t get diagnosed and apply until after the age cutoff for that so I’m on SSI. I feel bad about being on it but I’ve reported everything I’ve done since I first applied but they still give it to me. If I had known then that I would be finishing a bachelors degree later I probably would not have applied cuz at the time I thought I was never going to do anything later.
Yes he did …
cool thanks this gives me hope.
yeah Ive only been in the hospital a few times myself as well. Do you remember how long the whole process takes?
I got disability pretty easily. I had lots of hospital stays and years of doctor’s visits. I think that helped. I also have physical disabilities, and I’m not sure if that helped, too.
Do you remember how long it took from when you applied to when you got approved.
Less than 2 months. Maybe less than 1. I applied when I lost my job in June and was accepted by August. Didn’t even start getting checks until November because I was approved before the 6 months of unemployment requirement.
Being involuntary hospitalized got my disability approved the first time I applied.
Wow only one or two months thats not that long. I’m hoping that I will find the motivation to get off my lazy butt and file for disability.
Really Ive been involuntarily hospitalized before.
Have you worked since your diagnoses? Something like that can hurt you. It really helps to apply right after a diagnoses.
I haven’t worked in over seven years. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago. Your right though. I should have applied for it long ago. I just wasn’t in my right mind at the time.
I have SSDI. It was very easy for me to get. Usually, the easiest way to get it is to get a lawyer who specializes in disability. Use one who will fill out the application for you, not one who waits to help you until after youre denied. In the US, it’s illegal to charge you unless you win. Also, you need to not work for one year before you apply. Then the lawyer gets a small percentage of your back pay from the government for the year you didnt work.
Also, if you haven’t worked in the last 5 years you dont qualify for SSDI. But you might qualify for SSI. Different application though.
whats the difference between ssdi and ssi
SSDI is Social Security Disability Insurance. You get it by paying into the system when youre working, and then when you have enough credits, you qualify if your disabled to receive a monthly stipend.
SSI is Social Security Insurance for elderly and the impoverished. It helps to inform them when you apply that you are disabled. They will ask for documentation to prove it. But you have to make less money than the federal poverty limit, and you have to have less than $2000 in assets. You are allowed 1 home and 1 car.