İ m feeling that i m abusing social benefits without giving anything to society.do you feel same.if so why do you think so.
It’s up to the doctors of social security to decide whether or not you’re entitled to benefits. It’s their job and if you’re entitled you have every right to claim them.
It’s the way the system works.
If you want to contribute you can try to volunteer or help members of your family or friends.
No, I paid my taxes for years.
Very true. Here they call it ‘disability insurance’. You pay insurance premiums while you work and if you become disabled you make an insurance claim.
Yeah we are 1% roughly of the population.
We get sz when we are teen or adult and it affects our lives when it comes to things like relationships and careers. I didn’t get diagnosed till I was 29. So many wasted years where I was struggling even whilst working and studying.
Take what you can get from the government because your way behind in the scheme of things. Honestly. It’s not a shame and you deserve some help.
Yes! My neighbors talked ■■■■ about me couple of days ago outside my apartment.
They said “he doesn’t work, he just sits at home and watches TV”. They were pretty loud about it too.
I barely watch tv, I only watch the news. My negatives have improved some. I can play video games for an hour or so before I have to rest.
I do feel like a parasite on society! Like I don’t deserve it! But what’s the alternative? Me being homeless, being drunk shouting things to my voices and strangers in the street. Cause that’s what would happen.
They cant see that you have a mental health problem. They probably arent educated about it either. If you were in a wheel chair they wouldnt be so critical. You need to write them off as ignorant.
That’s a good question, and while I wish I could of never gotten disability and was making 100-200k , I don’t feel that I’m abusing social benefits. Just think of how much money big pharma is making off these medications, or how much money the government is making from jails or stealing from foreign countries. They are the ones abusing money not us with a simple 800$ or whatever social security check
No. I feel people want me to feel I’m abusing social benefits. I got 93% on the state of Michigan College Graduate Exam, they used to make you take for certain jobs, people who couldn’t do that well have pensions and had easy jobs, so they can be independent. I was forced to quit because of hazardous conditions and a lot of times, sabotage if I applied for a better job. I did turn down a job I should have taken, but I think there was more unfairness when I was initially looking for employment. Anyway everyone acts like I’m having a great time living in poverty and stalkers making me homeless.
I used to feel like I was a leech on society but that’s incorrect. Sz is not something I planned but benefits were planned by smart caring people who understood that life can give people unplanned illnesses. I don’t commit crimes or hurt anyone. The people who do those things are the true leeches, not ill people in need of help. That’s my opinion.
I didn’t severely verbally bully myself. I didn’t make mental health services provide inadequate help and support for the vast majority of my years as a working age adult. What i got was small compensation for the damage that was done. In 8 weeks time I become a pensioner.
My community nurse reassures me I deserve the benefits I get and he confirms I have a serious MH illness which I tell him I feel like a malingerer but again he reassures me I’m not. My supported living manager has seen me Manic/Psychotic and she says I must to be best actor in the world to pull that performance off and she says you can’t fake that. So yes I do think I deserve my benefits.
“How a society treats its most vulnerable is always the measure of its humanity .”
Mahatma Gandhi
I said the same to my team as well
According to my pdoc this is quite common with people with psychotic disorders.
My life was ruined before I could acquire a working career. I studied and failed probably due in part to mental illness. I don’t really think I’m at a point to accept blame. I worked just enough to earn disability insurance.
That insurance didn’t come free, and many people don’t get to collect it. Its really not a matter of exploitation.
If you feel that way I recommend you think about other things.
It’s not like we’re getting a lot. I’m content with what I have, and I am grateful I got it, but I only feel a little bit guilty that I am on the dole.
No, I paid into it, and continue to pay into it. The way I look at it, the Social Security Administration makes the rules and if I qualify under their rules then I’m going to take it without feeling guilty.
I have only been to one disability benefit assessment in 20 years and when I went I was only in the interview 10 minutes, the assessor read the letter my community nurse wrote, told me if I’d of sent the letter in I wouldn’t of been called to the assessment. He could see I was severely disabled and my benefits would remain the same. On paper it does look bad I suppose with the delusions and self- harm in the past thinking about microchip but I manage to function okay. But I live in supported housing with 24/7 support and I have somebody manage my finances as well as being on a community treatment order which means I have to have the injection or the police come and take me to hospital which has happened a few times now.
I used to think I don’t really have Sz and don’t need the meds, but I get delusional and maybe hallucinate without them. I paid my taxes when I worked as a young man. I don’t feel bad about collecting disability because I paid my insurance premiums (taxes).