What social benefits? I personally have none. But that’s just a problem in the culture that I live in.
It is difficult to get pension for mental illness in my country, understandably so. Some people with mental illness that I know of went through borderline barbaric “treatments” in a medical ward, before they were confirmed to be mentally ill and received some small benefits.
Nowdays, I can pass for a sane person easily. I will be denied to be mentally ill if I go through the procedure now. (Especially with the conscription going on.) I missed my chance to get the benefits by “sitting out” my psychosis. Part of the problem was the stupidity and superstition of my parents.
Anyway, yes, I do understand I am a burden on society. No, I do not feel ashamed of that fact in particular. This society cheated, robbed and humiliated me since before I was properly born. I owe them nothing.
The only shame I have is for the disability itself that ruined my career and education.
No I do not feel like Im abusing the benefit system. I didnt choose to have schizophrenia and I would rather not have it at all. And there are bigger expenses than my minimum amount benefits
When I lived in Sweden I was feeling that harsh cruel hateful judgment too.
People saying i don’t do anything etc then when I was working half time they said it wasn’t enough.
Always critisizing.
There was a activity house in Sweden that was great though.
It was for mentally ill people and they had wood work , pottery , sewing, cooking etc
It was awesome!
But unfortunately they closed down.
Too expensive I think.
I’m against hating on people who don’t work.
I think they we should be appreciated loved etc too
I don’t work now.
I don’t feel bad about it.
I feel grateful for my disability pension though.
I’m trying to volunteer a few hours a week if I can.
I get government benefits and I don’t feel guilty about it because it was a government agency that suspended my professional license that prevented me from working and supporting myself and my son. So, in a big way its my revenge. Also, I deserve it because I am legitimately MI and also have several disabling physical conditions as well.
I just don’t understand why people can’t mind their own business? I don’t care about them or what they are doing! Why should they care about me? They must be stupid or something?!
Thank you for your kind words @SacredNeigh7! I appreciate it!
I’ve never had a paid job but I try to help and inform people online about mental illness. I’m open about my SMI on Twitter and follow and am followed by several pdocs and psychologists.I’ve been a member of the World Community grid since 2005. My laptop’s currently doing these packets of work-
Its good for disabled persons to social benefits. In my country there are nothing like that. But in western countries, i think there are a lot of misuse of social benefits like, transgender personal also get these benefits of mentally ill.
I don’t feel bad because I get SSDI. That means I worked my whole life and paid into that the whole time. What I can’t believe is why after working for over 20 years I only get $760/month. It’s total bs. I should get way more