- yes i feel guilty or bad sometimes
- no i dont feel guilty or bad about it
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No, I don’t feel guilty about it.
I don’t feel guilty. Live quite comftarble.
I feel like I’m a winner, because I’m getting more out of the system than I’m putting into it.
Hmm. . .
Why Thus Subject Is Always Brought Up, Will Never Make Any Sense. . .
Last I Heard Over 50 Million People In America Receive Disability Benefit’s Of Some Sort. . .
Call It Equality In A World Gone Mad From Meaningless Self Righteousness. . .
~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~
No. I qualify under their rules so I will take what’s offered. If the money didn’t go to me, it would just go to someone else. I don’t feel bad about getting SSDI, the system is set up for people like me.
I don’t go around telling most people I’m on benefits and most people don’t tell me their financial situation either.
I deserve it
For 25 years I paid into the system.
I don’t feel bad about it at all.
I didnt answer the poll because i havent been approved yet but i wont feel guilty if im approved because i literally nees it to survive clearly. Im trying my best to work but i end up in the er every 4 months or so
İ don t.because my country’s work ecosystem is very wild and without this benefit i would have never ever work and survive.
Yes I feel bad bcz I used to work.
I do feel guilty about it sometimes, but that is only my upbringing. You are either hardworking, or a bum.
But now I am unable to work , so I’ve had to work at revising that view
I’m grateful for disability but I do feel bad sometimes being on it, ashamed sometimes. I do work a little.
What work do you do @Headspark?
I don’t feel bad because I paid into the system for close to 30 years so I earned it
Just side jobs here and there. People hire me to do stuff. I am looking to get a real job but I can’t seem to find anything. I have been on disability for so long my resume is pathetic.
Considering the loops they made me jump through to get it, I have more than earned it.
I only get one benefit, but it helps me massively with not having as much financial pressure.
If it wasn’t for my mental health problems I’d probably be a high flying data scientist working in London, but no, I had to quit as a senior data analyst - about a few steps short of that result.
Limitations may not all manifest themselves in the same way, but they exist in all who’re here
I’m impressed you’re finding odd jobs right now, because lots of people are out of work. Good job! Maybe your resume isn’t so bad after all
Normally I don’t feel guilty. It’s not my fault that I was bullied and had a heightened susceptibility for developing a severe mental illness. Nor is it my fault that overall mental health services chose to be more critical and judgemental than supportive.
I say ‘normally’ because when the questions ‘Do you work?’ ‘What job do you do?’ crop up I go into self stigmatising mode, and end up feeling like ****
I’ve been doing it for years, gives me something to do without getting stressed out. I don’t make a lot of extra money, probably average maybe $75/month. There are some months when I make upwards of $200 or more but usually not.
That’s still good @Headspark