In my country, disability is like a hundred dollars a month… Really is a joke.
Do people in the states and other countries, abuse and lie about disability benefits in order to be put on them? Do most homeless people in the states try get on disability or something similar?
I know nothing about disability benefits, due to it not being so weak in SA
I don’t think so. just a bunch of politicians ripping on entitlements. it was difficult for me to get on disability. I had to fill out the forms, wait, and then meet with a lady from the disability office to be interviewed. I had been hospitalized and had a long work record showing I had a hard time staying employed. I had to give the names of my doctors and what medications I was on. the whole thing was like at least a 3-6 month process. during that time I lived with my parents.
it’s consumerism the money is put into the market and eventually ends up in the rich people’s hands anyways, whether the tax dollars, the drug cartels or the alcohol companies or food companies or whatever they spend it on. All the money is going back to the rich people in the end so idk why they’re against this ! They need something to complain about I guess.
Well I get disability benefits and I volunteer 4 hours a week, sometimes more. Something I’ve learned volunteering is that I shouldn’t be working a regular job as I’m incompetent. The volunteer job is sitting at a desk, occasionally answering the phone and selling merchandise. There’s not any jobs in the real world like it.
Yes people do abuse the benefit. But I don’t think very many do. It’s just not that much money. But there are some people that take the disability money and then go work for cash too. It really pisses me off. But I think for the most part the people on Social Security Disability would rather be working and making much more money if they only could. The amount of money that most people get makes it hard to get by.
I think some people abuse it. I have known a couple people who went on disability and, when they lost their benefits and had no choice but to work, by some sort of magic were suddenly able to work.
Honestly, I think there are a lot of people on disability who would be capable of some sort of work, if working was their only option. Work is a struggle for me, but supporting myself through work is my only option.
I am somewhat bipolar so every once in awhile (like today) I have an incredibly productive day but that is usually followed by a long depressive crash. Employers want consistency (even if that just means showing up) and on the crappy end of the scale that’s out of reach for most sz. Self employment or contract work might be good for some people like me that can’t do the 9-5 grind or deal with a chaotic work environment.
Your performance runs on a bell curve so every now and then you might outperform a normie but they don’t tend to get suicidal, paranoid and hallucinate on their low days.
Can you find ways to make some money legally without a formal job? Quite often, even if that just means selling crafts on Etsy or flipping bubblegum cards on eBay. My biggest pet peeve is family members and friends who expect to be driven around but don’t contribute towards gas or repairs.
I know a guy that gets $4000.00 a month on disability and the only problem he has is he smoke pot like ciggies and chews ativan like candy, other than that I don’t think many abuse, most are suffering in poverty. He only gets 4k cause he was in a very high paying job (120K)
I am pretty sick and I got SSDI with no problem and I am a 100% disabled veteran but I think I can work if I had to.
Before I got my VA disability I had to and I did. I was psychotic nearly every day. I went through 7 jobs in 6 years but I managed to not lose my houses or my family.
If I wouldn’t have worked we would have lost our houses and had to have moved in with family but it was always nice to know that was an option. I thought about it often.
I currently don’t work but am actively looking for a job but I have a lot of education and experience and can qualify for good jobs.
People do cheat it but most places these days the genuine people who need it don’t get the resources they deserve.
I’m on disability and do volunteer work and like my life. I used to work. Over the years I’ve paid off my university debt. I’ve paid off my credit card debt. I don’t have any money but I’ve paid more off than many and it’s upsetting to me when people criticize those who don’t work.
It’s great if you can do it. Just not all people with mental illness can do it and having a safety net for the underpriviledged should be in every society. As always the genuine punters get put in the same bucket. If one person cheats not everyone is guilty or should be seen to be!
The Health Service convinced me I was eligible, but the consultation I went to the person made me out to be a cheat and that I was abusing the system. They refused my payment and said we had lied on the form and that nothing was wrong at all.
The stress from this nearly sent me into a relapse and it rocked the boat a lot, and i stopped my meds as I thought nothing was wrong with me. I am still pretty stressed about it. I have asked them to look at it again, and sent them a very angry letter accusing them of accusing me of being a fraud.
Just applying for this benefit has made me feel like a fraud. Even though I look at the criteria they use, I read it and I am sure I am eligible. I don’t know what to do. I work reduced hours because of stress, and this money although not much, would help me a lot.
I think it’s disgusting how I and others are treated by the system. The system here treats everyone like a liar and a cheat.