Do you feel self conscious about your looks.?

if the thread topic was a car, I wouldn’t let Erez drive it…

lol lol just kidding

I prefer to keep a distance from people too.



Society creates an ideal image of what a beautiful woman and man should look like, but the fact is that everyone’s body is unique.

Your boyfriend was probably feeling weak and/or vulnerable, so he tried to body shame you in an attempt to make himself feel better.

There’s no one in the world who has the exact same body that I have, and that’s a good thing.


Oh trust me I never fully exclude the nature of other men. One of my best friends and soon to be my roomate is 100% asexual.

All my other dude friends cringe if I mention women. Scorn me and call me a creep if I mention them too much.

I have different tastes then all of them anyways it seems.


You call 28 old oh jeez :astonished:

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Older than I was :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Omg by your logic I’m ancient

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Ok first off hes a jerk because hes using the comment to hurt and not compliment, disregard his opinion its crap. Second of all you are extremely aesthetically pleasing, theres a lot of character in your looks which is never ugly or boring but interesting and genuine, you probably light up when you laugh. So poo on him you rock I think youre gorgeous and Im an artist so trust me :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


I really didn’t mean to offend.

But I spend a lot of time with people younger than me. Out of all of them there are only 3 older. I live alone as an adult now sustainig myself and I do feel quite mature of it.

I was only speaking in context of myself, I didn’t mean for it to be interpreted as something about you.

I know the youthful vibe never actually dies inside.

You can see all the oldies chipper and skipper and giddy if you watch them long enough.

You know I’ve got parents and sisters older than I am. I know their sensitivities to age and they just roll with it.

Sorry if my opinion sounds like crap @zero, but I also know there are quite a few people out there who would relate to it.

I will someday look back at 28 and consider it young.

Anyways take no offense of me!!! I wouldn’t ever want to lay drab on you. Was merely speaking from my perspective.

I was talking about her ex not you Azley I should have been clearer Sorry for the misunderstanding


Oh I get it…

gotta love that Sz sensitivity and misinterpretation… and underlying yet overt seriousness to everything


@azley ------ i was joking with you :smiley: lol


I have the same problem I understand :slight_smile:

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A little bit, yeah. I’m getting older and my hair is thinning out quite a bit. I can’t tell if it is noticeable. People tell me that I have thick hair, but I notice that it is appreciably thinner than when I was younger. This makes me a little self conscious. Luckily, my weight is within normal limits. I’m 57.

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i am very self conscious about my looks, i wear over 300 pounds and i use to have really short hair while i was psychotic because i thought my hair would kill me in my sleep so i buzzed my hair. now its down to my shoulders. i still don’t think i look good even though my partner says i’m sexy i personally think she is bias but whatever. @anon80629714 you are not ugly

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I gained 8 lbs. over King Cake season and stress. I feel okay about my looks. You look charming and beautiful @anon80629714. Don’t let someone’s rude remarks tell you otherwise.

I like the way I look. I think it’s part of loving myself

hmm? This is a tough one. I accept myself and have always felt beautiful but lived in fear of people being critical which they frequently were. Especially if they were jealous or competitive. I would say that I allowed other peoples criticism to affect me and cause anxiety even though I still felt beautiful. I am older now and I have wrinkles, gray hair and extra fat but I own it. Wouldn’t hurt my feelings if I woke up looking like I did at 28, lol! But I accept myself.


Or asked out to dinner… :wink:


Nope, i am self conscious though about my horribly lacking musical abilities though.

And also my probable lacking of substance as a living thing.

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I saw this post again this morning and I didn’t read everyone’s posts. But I just wanted to say that no one, man, or women, is going to appeal to everyone. Sometimes people will reject you simply because you are not “their type”. Even professional world famous models or actresses or actors who are good looking don’t appeal to everyone.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
I understand that you’re feelings got hurt by this guy and you lost a little confidence in your appearance. But shrug it off.
You just don’t need guys like him.