I feel you want end your life, end your suffering and all your bs you go through and just end it, i feel like this sometimes. i wish.
i felt that a lot. now it’s better… i don’t mind that i will die but i don’t long for it so much anymore. I used to want to die a lot in the past though…
i know, i dont want to really die, i feel like want to die. This life with schizophrenia is horrible i battle everyday with demons in my head. I swear i dont how i make it through the day.
Yeah, the struggle can get too much. I don’t know what I live for. I can’t commit suicide. I have the urge to smoke cigarettes and let the Tv run all day and night or browse this forum and YouTube. I kind of done with my life.
I used to but not anymore.
I feel yea vuldarz, life with schizophrenia ruins your life, ruins your happiness, ruins your goals, ruins everything. Its now worth it anymore sometimes.
thats good im happy for you.
Keep yourself busy so you don’t think about negative stuff. Also don’t put too much stress and pressure on yourself.
alright thanks, will try.
Ä° never want to die.life is perfect when you see at right angle.
I used to want to die because I had such severe post traumatic stress but now I want to live since my post traumatic stress has lessened.
thats good, im getting worse everyday. im not getting anybetter i dont know why. I feelings of depression and sadness in me.
If you are feeling suicidal or having a mental health crisis, please tell someone — a friend or family member, a teacher, a doctor or therapist or call 911 (if you’re in the U.S.) or the Emergency Medical Services phone number in your country.
You can also call a crisis intervention hotline—these are available in the U.S. and in many other countries. You do not need to be actively suicidal to benefit from a crisis hotline.
International crisis hotlines:
Crisis hotlines in the U.S.:
More resources:
Tell your Dr, maybe you have depression.
I feel like this all the time, in varying degrees.
My care coordinator told me when I talk about suicide, it’s only a cry for help.
Now I know to shut up and not even bother bringing it up.
If I commit suicide, my note will throw him under the bus, and he will have to deal with the coroner
im on antidepression medication. I guess its not working.
You should tell your Dr then.
yea okay. ill try.
I feel like cutting myself. Maybe i shouldnt idk. I want to feel something.
Go to the emergency, call 911 and tell your parents, thats serious.