I fear death. I don’t want to die. But how can I believe in life after death when I don’t remember the time before I was born? I’m not willing to let go of me and my memories. I don’t believe in suicide unless I’m on life support and medicine is not that. You ever heard the saying nature abhors a vacuum? There’s also the saying, Nature abhors suicide. It is an abomination against nature. The times I attempted suicide I was doing it because of anger not depression. I’ve suffered anger for a long time. I personally know the devil, he tortured me for 29 years. He made me very angry.
I think most people fear death.
I know I do, but as I’m getting older and closer to death I fear it less than I did in the past
A little bit, but not really. My nieces and nephews will live on. The people in the world would live on. What worries me more than anything else is the potential for us to wipe ourselves out as a species.
You are a part of everyone else in the world IMO. We are one people. I’m just one of the larger human race which hopefully will live on.
I fear death. I want my consciousness to be eternal.
Yeah. I also fear SZ.
Woody Allen said it best. “I don’t mind death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.”
When I was younger, I wanted to live forever as well. My perspective has changed quite a bit, which I view as a good thing.
Whenever I’m sick and in pain I think to myself, this will be over at some point and I will feel better again.
But then I worry (because I have major anxiety) that when I’m sick and in pain and I’m dying… what do I say to myself, well I’ll be dead soon enough?
That thought kind of scares me a little bit.
I think of death like it’s a very good sleep. And just as the mind is active in sleep, so the soul lives on after we die.
I have no fear of death. I do have a fear of suffering or of loved ones suffering though.
Yeah, I agree, the potential process of dying is much more scary than dying itself.
This is life, nobody gets out alive
Careful what you wish for lol. What if your brain got uploaded to some humanoid robot by a corporation and you were forever put to work doing hard labour or something.
Actually the movie transcendance man gave a dystopian reality on eternal conciousness
Death fears me.
I’m more afraid of being at the mercy of someone before death. I don’t think my mother was. Maybe I’ll be lucky.
why do you say, ‘the devil’
was it spiritual warfare?
I am not afraid of death.
I have mixed feelings about death. Sometimes I feel like I would welcome death just to get away from all the stress, but other times I feel like there is some purpose to my life I haven’t fulfilled.
I don’t fear death because I will never die.
I think it’s nice that I’ll return to energy that will in a so inconsequential way affect the universe where I was born into existence. That is cool and hope there’s some postive energy out there for some other beings that came from me