Are you scared of death/

Hey guys, as above, thoughts?


I am not really afraid of death. I would like to get married have a family , but try not to be afraid of anything. I imagine theres something much better waiting in the afterlife so im not really afraid of dying at all.

No, in a way i look forward to it. I reintegrate and become one with the universe. All that passes is my body. Hopefully if I was good to people it had an effect and made this world a nicer place

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Yeah but literally 100% of people die… I guess I’m afraid of the way I’ll die… afraid of pain like drowning or burning… wouldn’t mind going out peacefully in my sleep.

Also afraid of family and loved ones missing me.

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I use to be afraid. My voices convinced me for seven straight months they were out to kill me, I finally said just do it already and put and end to this madness (to the voices). Totally unmedicated then.

The older I get the less I am averse to the idea of death. When I was younger, I wanted to live forever. Still not prepared to die atm but I accept it’s eventual arrival.


No, I’m not afraid anymore. I would like to live into my 90’s though as I enjoy life now. I’m 63.


Some times yes and most of the time no.


Before my son died, I was absolutely terrified of death. I was terrified that there would be no one to take care of him if I were to die. (My son was p. sz). Now, I am no longer as afraid of death.


Sort of, but then I remember that my fear won’t matter, because I’ll be dead. I used to worry about it a lot, and at my worst mentally I would invite it. I’m just chill now, whatever happens happens, and worrying about it just wastes the time I have now.

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As a hypochondriac, yes i’m afraid of death. I hope theres something after death.

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Absolutely terrified of death — I just want to sleep peacefully until I drift off into nothingness

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No, but I’m scared of dying.

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Like @Bowens as I’m getting older I’m fearing death a little less.


no, death couldn’t come quicker
i fear it may be painful do to certain life actions
i do wish every night i never wake but i don’t deserve a peaceful death

While I am not afraid of death itself but rather I am afraid of suffering horribly before dying, I am talking about things like cancer or a stroke or anything really.

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I have to admit I am scared of death because I don’t know where I will be staying after death.

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Same, I don’t want to die in pain.

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I have mixed feelings about it. It’s possible to look forward to it so you can end all your stress, but I still have some fear of it, too. When and if I am held accountable for my life after death there are a few things I worry about.

I wish I could go soon. I’m so f u c k i n g tired of myself.