Hey guys, as above, personally i am not, thoughts?
Yes I’m afraid of dying before I turn 18
I’m not. I long for it sometimes.
So do i jonathan2
I want to die but I am a
I do not fear death…it’s a part of life plus I believe in an after life.
I fear my consciousness being gone for eternity. I want to believe in a afterlife but its hard sometimes.
I work in aged care. I’ve seen a lot of people die. For the vast majority of them, they go peacefully. I’m more afraid of the dying process than actual death itself. So long as i’m comfortable, i think i’ll be okay. Obviously i don’t want to die young though.
Sometimes I am a little afraid but mostly not. Somedays I just wish it would end, other days I don’t.
I’m not afraid of dying because of my religion. I’m just afraid of being in pain before I go. With my mom, after they gave her six months to live, they put her on morphine. I hope I get the same.
I am not afraid of dying itself, but I am most definitely afraid of dying alone.
No not afraid, do not want to die, but will be ok with it being over
I am fearful of death, I think most people are.
But I am less fearful as I’m aging.
Not at all.
I’m ready.
I talk like I’m ready to die now, but I’m unsure about that. I hope it gets better in hospital with me getting clozapin. If not it will be suffering continued.
I’m afraid of what will happen to my family if I die more than I’m afraid of the actual process.
I used to be connected with death, like I had a mentality that every day was precious and that death was a part of every day in the back of my mind, which I think was a good thing because then I valued life more. But after they put me on meds it has faded. I still think about it sometimes, but it’s different. It’s more like a concious thought now, while before meds it was more of a instinct.
I am afraid of the pain associated with it and leaving people behind but would not hate to go really.
MY only fear of death is coming back reincarnated
I definitely do not want a duplicate myself.