For me Im not. What about you? Have you grown less fearful or more fearful?
Please no trolling on Suicide.
Thank You.
For me Im not. What about you? Have you grown less fearful or more fearful?
Please no trolling on Suicide.
Thank You.
Im afraid of a painful death.
But idea of an eternal rest seems quite attractive right now.
I have grown more fearful although there is no point in living for me.
I’m 56, and I’m reaching a point where I can see the end of my life. Sometimes I feel like I’m not ready for death. I feel like I have more business to take care of. Other times I feel like I have done enough, and I’m ready for a rest. One thing that bugs me about it is the physical decline before the end. I don’t want to be an invalid, but I guess I could endure even that if I had to.
What type of death?
And why is fear such a big issue? Whether or not you are afraid of it it still sucks.
It’s not something that i want after such a shitty life.
Im not afraid. I look forward to death. Losing all my colors. Joining my brothers and sisters in the world without color. It will be magical. Lady Jasmine looks forward to this. She can take care of me properly
I am afraid of the void that death is, not such a big believer in the afterlife anymore.
Death is the big unknown - People are afraid of the unknown.
As I am getting older and my health is declining a bit, the idea of dying and death is very much on my mind.
Lately I have been fearing death less - I even have my burial place - plot ready.
I will be placed to rest in a very beautiful peaceful cemetery in my hometown, where I grew up.
In many ways, I am tired of struggling with this illness and am looking forward in a way to eternal rest.
I kind of do believe in life after death - this cannot be the only Life
Before I was sick, I was only a little worried about death. All the things I have been taught in church and throughout life were incorporated into my psyche without question. I believed in God, that there was a reason for everything and it had meaning. There were moments of clarity but they were usually infused with anger so I pushed them away. I wasn’t that afraid to die.
After psychosis, I opened my eyes and began to question everything I had learned. I have become an agnostic with a strong fear of death. All the foundations I grew up with are gone, now I only have the natural world. My life may be meaningless but it is mine and I’m terrified that all of this will have been for nothing. My thoughtless faith is gone
I don’t WANT to die… but I don’t think I’m afraid of death.
I’ll live the best I can and be as healthy as I can now… and if my card is dealt… then there’s not much I can do about that. If I get hit with an illness I can fight… then I’ll fight it. If not… I’ll try my best to live well.
Now if you ask me am I afraid of others I love dying before their time… the answer is YES. In fact it’s been a on my mind a bit too much these past few days.
I’m not afraid of death. I believe in the afterlife.
When I hear about people getting killed somehow, I wonder if they are the lucky ones and that we the living have to worry about all kinds of possible suffering we may still encounter.
No. Not at all. It will be a relief.
I’ve died so many times in dreams. Sudden death is terrifying but it’s over quickly. Maybe I would fear a drawn out and painful death, but sudden death or death by old age, no.
my fear of dying and the delusion that i was convinced i was dead, left me bewildered in the psychotic trip. for weeks i thought i died and was in hell
Exactly the same as me.
As it stands now I’m not ready to go. I’m 47 now and I want to live at least until I’m 60. I really don’t want to die from a lot of illnesses at an old age. I’d prefer to die in my sleep.
I’m afraid of a premature death that is prolonged and painful from health related issues.
Timely question for moi as I am currently working on a project on “functional dying.” (Because my observation-based experience with numerous people who have “gone down to the river” is that death is a process, not an event.)
I have, of course, read everything Elizabeth Kubler-Ross has written that I can get my hands on. Beyond that, I’m finding Sogyal Rinpoche’s, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Alan Watts’s The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are and (especially) Stephen & Ondrea Levine’s Who Dies? just terrifically illuminating and therapeutic.
My voices pretty much had me convinced until fairly recently that the best course of action for me was elective suicide before the body deteriorates to the point of not being able to either care for it by myself nor have a choice. (Dependence of any sort upon others is extremely difficult for the adult child of battering and abandoning parents who seems to be the principle “speaker.”)
I haven’t yet come to any “policy decisions,” and probably won’t because I have learned (using that “10-StEPs” mantra I spray around; see that making and then trying to live up to policies made when the facts were “this” way may be plain idiotic when the facts are “that” way. One can keep one’s options open, and – it seems to me now – probably should.
I read a short piece in a magazine made by homeless people about death and pets. He said if you have had pets when you die you go to a sunny field. It is summer and is warm and beautiful. You hear dogs playing when you round a corner. And there in front is your dog playing blissfully with other dogs.
Your dog has been well looked after until you were ready to meet again. He stops playing and sniffs the air. Then he turns and sees you. Overcome with joy he bounds over and you embrace. You both know you will never be apart again.
That is why I am not afraid of death.
Ditto for me. But I got tested for HIV in 1986 after sharing a needle with two heroin addicts. One was a bi-sexual ex-con and the other was his bi-sexual hooker girlfriend. I must admit, the week I spent waiting for my results was the most terrifying experience I’ve ever had. This was before there were any drugs available to prolong life. Testing positive for anyone was a relatively quick demise.