I keep getting strange men messaging me on facebook and wanting to be my friend. but once I tell them i’m engaged to my partner they stop talking to me and unfriend me.
You must be attractive hehe. They are creepin on ya. If you have low self-esteem, then you might not be able to see how attractive you are.
facebook =非死不可(must die)
I doubt i’m attractive, one tried to pull the old Nigerian prince thing saying they need to get money to the states and asked for my bank account numbers. I know when someone is phishing.
Maybe they are homophobic. Or maybe not. But you have to be careful, there are many predators out there on the web who might take advantage of mentally ill people. You don’t have to get paranoid but just exercise normal caution.
I don’t give any person information out, but they all seem to be looking for a girlfriend or a way into my bank account.
I’ve had mail and notices from women in eastern Europe wanting to marry me before I put my gender on there. I’ve had several men from all over the world trying to flatter me and want to be friends. I don’t trust anyone to be friends if I have never met them personally.
I agree with you, unless they are friends from school then I friended him online.
I never accept friend requests from strangers, it’s just weird.
Glad you can catch the phishing schemes, those are everywhere!
he said it was pure money, I didn’t believe him so I unfriended him.
They can be tricky in getting your personal info. One time I got this call saying I had won a prize, and they would pay ninety per cent of the bill for me to go on a cruise in the Carribean. I figured they were fixing to ask me for my personal information so I hung up.
I’ve gotten calls like that before, I hate them.one tried to claim a security company through my credit card but I don’t have a credit card and they said they needed my social security number. I hung up
I refuse to own a credit card. They probably wouldn’t let me have one, anyway, so I gladly shun what they gladly withhold. I can remember back in the day when they would give a person credit if he had a pulse. I remember going in K-mart, and they had this table set up where they would give you two 2 liter bottles of pop if you would fill out an application for their $5,000.00 line of credit. I was tempted to get the line of credit, and then say, “Try to collect it, ■■■■■■■■■■■■.” I do have an American Express Serve debit card. I love it. It costs one dollar a month, and you can have unlimited downloads from ATM machines with no charge.
that sounds smart. I have just a plain old bank debit card.
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