People are reporting

On me to the Navy Seals about me and I’m sick of it. The seals talk about me to other people and get them to report on me . Why won’t they leave me alone?!

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Trust me. The Navy Seals have bigger things to worry about. :hatching_chick::hatching_chick::hatching_chick:


I believed I had become a world-wide spectacle.

It never happened.

Probably the same thing you are going through.


@anon39054230, @GrayBear, then how do people know things about me without me telling them. It’s stuff from my cell phone or computer. They tap it and then talk to others about me

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This is classic ‘delusions of reference’. Advertisers key in to where you have been searching on your phone, and then tailor their ads to target you.

You are just misreading information at this time. Nobody is out to get you in any fashion…believe me.


And SEALs don’t deal with domestic stuff, anyway.


You are not thinking right right now. Just hang in there and it will pass. :fish::fish::fish:

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It’s very real to you, but it’s not happening. It’s the disease that is causing you to believe this. It’s not real. I have my own delusions so I can relate.

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Sorry you are frightened. It indeed isnt real. But i know i tend to find my thoughts very real, even if everyone says they arent.

Are there examples of the past where you can see now that it wasnt true? F.e. I was convinced someone would die one night because of touching me. They still live. When i want to remind myself to not take my thoughts too seriously, i remind myself of concrete examples like that, proof of my mind playing tricks on me. Perhaps it helps you too.

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That can be quite paranoia inducing… You can get ad blockers, but so many websites demand that you don’t use one in order to see their content.


I don’t have instances like that to rely on. But I understand what you’re saying. It’s just that my husbands friends found out things about me that my husband didn’t say to anyone. That’s how I know it was the SEALs.


I can understand that is real frightening! I always get upset by these types of things too. I often find out there is a good explanation though. I dont know the situation, but could you try to think of alternative explanations?

Maybe misunderstanding, coincidence, guessing by them, your husband telling them but having forgotten about it, etc?

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Yeah. I’ll try. But I’m pretty convinced. I just want to be left alone.

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Hope you manage to think of one or some, even if it is just vague possibilities. Maybe even talk with the friends about how they know. Just sending kindness your way then and hope you get well.


Thanks @anon42728068. I appreciate you helping me.

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My house was bugged when I first got sick and I knew it. It drove my paranoia through the roof.

I said something about a coworker one day in the privacy of my own home. I don’t really want to say what I said because people here are touchy on the subject.

Well long story short I went to work the next day and the guy tells me “so you think I am a blank”.

That floored me.

These kind of things don’t happen anymore but they used to be common place. They really used to bother me.

Being monitored isn’t out of the realm of possibility but Seals don’t get invoked in domestic things. I highly doubt that’s what’s happening but it could be something else.

I still think I am monitored but it doesn’t bother me anymore.

Good luck.

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Thanks for being so candid @TomCat. That must have really freaked you out.

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I think and talk about stuff and its getting mentioned on the radio or people outside comment on it. Maybe i am one with nature and been connected to the common subconscious mind. Nothing to be afraid of, even when its brutally honest. I find myself getting molded into a better person. I am very humble cause its helping me.


I’m happy for you that you’re “molding into a better person”. That’s got to feel good @anon53623539

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No, it feels humiliating.