Do I sound like I’m recovered?

Hi all, so I just wanted your guys opinion. I ruminate and process things the voices said to me in the past which sounded real. This makes me feel good and makes me realize the brain is a powerful thing. It also helps me be more thankful that I’m not hearing voices any more. I get occasional whispers every night and get stress voices when I get overwhelmed but very rarely. Does this sound like I’m fully recovered? I feel I’m recovered becuase I don’t have any voices and psychosis stopped. Would I be right in saying that? Any opinions appreciated

Edit I have no delusions other than some passing thoughts easy to shrugg off

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Be pleased and thankful. It sounds like whatever you’re doing med wise etc is working for you at the moment.

Try and use the opportunity to do something

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If you can function like that, great. Consider yourself recovered.

My personal definition of “recovered” though is having zero whispers or voices for a prolonged period of time, and being able to withstand stressful situations without relapsing. That’s difficult to get to.


Yes, probably you are recovered but why do you ruminate?

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This is my biggest problem


I’m in gonna try and get fitter with my time

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I like to remind myself how real it was and how fooled I was and the fact that it’s not possible to make someone hear voices it’s just my sub conscious dear as you said to me om :slightly_smiling_face: I get a lil hit of oxytocin every time I realize it wasn’t real

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Yeah I think your right. I’d prefer to have 0 positives.the stress voices are hard to deal with and come at the worst possible time

You frequently have delusions about your brother conspiring against you,

You’re also obsessed with your mother’s death.

You may not hear voices anymore, but you struggle with delusions concerning your family and farm.

That’s just my observation.

I think you’re really pretty stable, as you work and operate your farm.

I also think you can work through these delusions with the help of your doctor.

Not trying to sound mean here,

I just want you to know that these thoughts are not healthy and you should address them with your pdoc.


My brother is Actually conspiring against me. It’s really true but thanks rexy. I know I rant a lot about him on here and some thoughts I have about hurting him are not normal though. I’m pretty worried about my mother dying too il agree with that


Thanks for replying everybody

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I still think they’re real.
I comply to their commands etc.
I guess I’m not recovered yet

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Took me about 6 months of not hearing voices to even entertain the idea of them not being real then things kinda clicked for me

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Ok, so I have to wait

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When I stopped hearing voices it took a long time to describe myself as recovered.


It didn’t take that long for me to describe myself as being “recovered”. One day I was psychotic, the next I wasn’t.


Hi @GoldenRex, do you know of anyway I could not be so obsessed with my mother dying. I worry about it a lot.


I worry about everyone dying, all the time.

You just have to try not to give those thoughts so much energy.

Don’t allow yourself to get lost in it,

Block those thoughts once they pop up.

It would probably be easier to cope with if you saw a therapist.


I think you sound much better @anon47167357

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are u on any meds now?