Do any of you take fish oil?

That’s what I think @Wesley. Eating the actual fish confers cardiovascular benefits whereas swallowing the capsules does not.


I find that it helps with things in general, but taking it tends to increase my heart palpitations. After stopping it my heart feels sooooooo much better, it’s actually crazy.

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No, I always pay for it.

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They found that the over the counter stuff doesn’t do much but the prescription stuff does. The prescription is a higher dose, and the quality of the over the counter stuff varies a lot.


That makes sense. I think that a lot of the over the counter fish oil is low quality and possibly rancid by the time the consumer buys it.

I’ll keep on eating fresh fish (salmon) and canned fish (anchovies and sardines) mainly because I like it, and hopefully it will have some long term benefits for me as well.


I got the higher strength fish oil now
Also I’m taking garlic tablets


About garlic, just for your information, raw garlic that has been crushed and chopped and exposed to air for 5 to 10 minutes forms the main active ingredient allicin. Cooking it destroys the allicin. Most supplements have the cooked or heated form. What I do is crush and chop one clove of raw garlic and add it to my salad.

I might have it chopped and added to a carrot soup I make

I ate a can of salmon everyday for 3 months. I also took Omega 3 pills for a while.
Not anymore though

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