I dont think that other symptoms get talked about enough. People tend to focus on voices since they are exciting to the media, but its only one of a sz issues.
Disorganized, jumbled thoughts… circulating thoughts… usually bad when I’m close to an episode… forgetting stuff… like a few times I thought I turned the stove off but it wasn’t off and I burned a few pots
Some of us have had disorganized thinking more often than voices for whatever reason. Probably could have benefitted from cognitive therapy.
I Once Put a Small Frozen Pizza On a Burner. (Since it Was The Perfect Fit).
Not on Anything. Jus The Pizza on The Burner.
I Thought I Figured Out a Military Government Quick Cooking Secret.
Well. a Few Minutes After I Turn The Burner on Medium. The Pizza Caught Fire.
And Large Flames Flashed Over The Stove. I Quickly Filled Up a Cup of Water And Poured it Over The Pizza on Fire!.
I Quickly Learned There Were No Such Things as Government Cooking Secrets.
Oh wow @ATARI yeah no top secret quick cooking methods unfortunately …
My therapist spent more time talking about himself than really listening to me… like he would ask questions and while I was answering he would cut in… sometimes I just let him talk…
When I listen to the Tibetan bowls to clear my mind and I’m on meds I think more clearly and I’m less forgetful. It gets really bad when im.closer to.a episode though and I also get sleep paralysis and more frequent brain zaps that is a major sign that an episode is going to happen soon… this is only when I stop taking the medication for awhile
Since my last.episode I have been taking them everyday
Well id say the psych clinics ive been to could use improvement in many ways. Typically you are often shoveled through and just given some med change.
The doctor I was seeing was the one at my university back home. the counselor was better than him… she actually seemed to care…but I started to feel like she was pushing too hard… I would cry everytime we spoke… at one point I was seeing both of them…
I think maybe we just need people who care… who actually listen and can give us good advice and more practical ways to deal with things… instead of just pushing drugs on us…
I like Mooji… because he teaches ways to deal with the mind and control it and not just cover it up with meds…
Yeah , thats what ive been trying to say. Whos Mooji?
He is a jamaican spiritual healer… he lives in India I think… he hosts satsangs and ppl come from all over to talk with him and he gives advice about how to handle the mind…
I think it would be something if the west adopted more of this “eastern” medicine.
I have been listening to him a lot since the last episode and doing mindfulness exercises along with a lower dose of medication… I really want to get better.
Its because most ppl with disorganized sz don’t have the ability to post here, some do and its word salad and incomprehensible. I have it moderately while off meds. I know schizophrenic twins with severe disorganized sz, its sad. Ppl take advantage of them, stealing their belongings, and they’re living with their parents. They will never be able to live independently in their own house.
When they text my friend its word salad, no one can decode what they write. Its sad.
These schizophrenic twins are treatment resistant, meds don’t work at all for them. Its sad bcz they were normal before sz.
Truth is that there is millions of szics that are treatment resistant and don’t have the ability to post here. Some are suffering in the streets.
I count myself as lucky after seeing what sz did to my friends, the twin schizophrenics.
Well the twins I know pee and throw garbage in their backyard, they talk to their hand, they destroy walls, doors, electronics, fight together, etc I think its inappropriate behavior and word salad.
They talk to walls too.