Disorganized Thinking

Oh ok. I never knew exactly what it meant but I’ve been told before I had disorganized behavior at a certain time and I didn’t know what they meant.

They are socially inappropriate, they eat food from the ground after dropping it etc

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This sounds like a really serious thing…

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They also have catatonia sometimes where they don’t respond for some time.

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Patience & Understanding is Key to Help Those People, From People Who Judge Them Endlessly to Make Themselves Feel Better About Their Own Disordered Faults & Flaws.

:snake: :sleeping: :snake:


That’s true, what’s most sad is that they bring strangers to their house who steal their cellphones, laptops, playstation, etc

Have a Good Night & or Day Tomorrow @TheStrange!.

Lookin Kool And Neato as Always (!!!).

:black_heart: :sleeping: :black_heart:

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You too @ATARI

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Gracias Senorita (!!!).

:peace_symbol: :black_heart: :peace_symbol:

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I experienced something similar during my first episode
. My brain was like mush, I couldn’t read… everything was slurred… and my sentences made no sense… my friend was there for me… she encourages me to keep trying to read… I wasn’t sure I would come back… I also experienced catatonia I would just freeze in place like I was in a trance/paralyzed for a few minutes I could not move… i was in a cab… heading home from campus when this happened…
I don’t talk much abt the first episode.

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I have catotonia without antipsychotics, the only time I was able to read was when I was on Abilify. Now I can’t focus for more than 5 min.

Idk why I can focus reading this forum but not books, I guess books are harder.

I think maybe it’s because you feel more engaged here on the forum than when you read books…

The forum does not feel like a chore… it’s something you actively want to participate in

I was frying fish and put my whole hand in the frying pan instead of the fish. I just didn’t comprehend what I was doing. I do more dumb things like that it seems when I’m having disorganized thinking.

:frowning: Does this happen often?

For the longest people got frustrated with me for repeating words when I get stressed and I have disorganized speech making communication hard when psychotic. It’s very difficult to talk about the other symptoms when you can’t articulate what’s goin in and you just make everyone mad and frustrated.

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No I’m also on seizure meds so could just be brain fog too. lol Who knows. Trying to balance too much.

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Brain fog and exhaustion… then the mind strays a lot…

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Agree totally there should be far more emphasis on cognitive symptoms. Those are the ones that most affect daily functioning.

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