Disorganized thoughts

How to organize my thoughts and make them logical?

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That issue was one the reasons I looked for this forum. I was having trouble thinking, and I thought it would be good to write a little bit and try to make some organized logical thoughts. I think the practice of writing paragraphs is good enough for basic organization and logic of thoughts.


Take Clozapine apparently


@Om_Sadasiva Is Mr.Thoughtless causing your disorganized sz?

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Yes, he makes me say stupid things,
make silly gestures and silly facial expressions.


I think part of it is being alone a lot. I donā€™t think itā€™s healthy for a human being. Do you also have trouble keeping your living space clean and orderly?

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I get stupid thoughts, I try to not say them but they make me laugh sometime for no reason and I look crazy.


Yes, me too.
When Iā€™m in public,
I pretend that Iā€™m talking
on the phone.
And I talk alone, saying
silly things


When I was taking the buss a couple of years ago there was this guy screaming and shouting things for himself. He was having conversations with nobody but himself.

I felt sad for him. He was probably unmedicated. This illness is horrible!


My parents clean for me and I have a garbage bin so my room is always clean as I never throw garbage outside the garbage bin.

I could do it myself.
I feel the urge sometimes.

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When I discovered my anger had no foundation it collapsed.


I know what you mean. I was like that too, for a long time. I was speaking what the voices were telling me, pacing back and forth in my apartment. Sometimes i screamed in the middle of the night.


Logic isnā€™t the answer, logic is the problem.

I experienced this myself, I was thinking often, coming up with theories, and reading lots, learning, watching news etc, and I was linking all these things together with logic, trying to form a ā€˜big pictureā€™.

My brain got really good at this and so thinking of one thing might trigger me to think of another, following patterns intuitively. At first, if I left one train of thought to move onto another, then I would lose that first thought. But over time, my brain changed and it got easier to ā€˜rememberā€™ thoughts. I could flit from one to another and back again without losing a step. However, when I tried to talk to other people they couldnā€™t follow me because I was jumping back and forth and they had no context. Eventually I lost context too and ideas merged together into stuff that made less sense than I imagined. My theories began to have very obvious flaws that I couldnā€™t see, because I had Rewired all my logic. During this time, I was not processing emotions properly and felt very numb.

My experience of disorganised thought is that the brain learns to process information instead of emotions. So if you want to think normally again, try getting emotional. Go be angry, or sad, or both.

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I scream too.
I donā€™t live in apartment,
I donā€™t have neighbors above or below.
Only my grandma lives nearby.
Sometimes she hears me, and
the next morning she asks why
I was shouting for. I say ā€œnothingā€. Lol


What do you mean? I had anger issues? I donā€™t know how I would react in a hostile setting. Sometimes I feel like Iā€™m about to lose control. Like Iā€™m totally going to snap in public, be arrested and be institutionalized.

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You are lucky you donā€™t have neighbors. My neighbors talk s h i t about me. They all know Iā€™m insane.

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You are lucky,
you donā€™t live in a small village
where everyone knows youā€™re
ill and not only the neighborhood.


In the past,
people here
in the villages,
were calling me
crazy Buddhist.
I donā€™t know
what they say now.
Probably something

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I donā€™t live in a village but I do live in a small town. People gossip, talk ā– ā– ā– ā–  and so on. My neighbors say that Iā€™m ill, damaged, donā€™t work etc. Everyone knows I had psychosis. But you know what?? F U C K them!

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