Did you study or work more?

I studied most of my life. First I studied and got my Masters when I was 21

Then I worked 4 years full-time, till I was 25 and couldn’t anymore.

Then I did my second Bachelors part-time and some Microcredentials until now. I’m 37.

And now I’m going to start a new study.

It seems like I’ve been studying most of my life due to circumstances.

Have you studied or worked most or neither?


I stopped working in 2011, it was at a well-known convenience store brand.

I would love to use the College Diploma I got in 2018 but I haven’t had much luck. Maybe it’s for the best but I still wanna try it, working at a video game studio and such.


Are you passionate about video games? Sounds like an exciting job prospect if you are.

Either way, good luck and congrats on getting a diploma with this illness!


Yeah it took me 3 years from 2015 to 2018 to get the diploma. I did 3 sessions but was too stressed out to finish it in the same group I began with. So I came back for my fourth session in a brand new group and was able to fulfill my duties then!

Yeah I love video games, I see it as a medium of the future. :nerd_face:


I’ve worked more than I’ve studied, I think.

Got my first job in 2005, and have pretty much worked ever since, up until I qualified for disability in 2022.

I did manage to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in 2010– right when prodromal symptoms were kicking off— but have yet to return to my studies.

I think at some point I’d like to try to go back to school for another degree, perhaps a Masters— some days it all seems like a pipe dream though :pensive:.

I recently started an Italian language and culture course on edx.org. It’s an independent learning-type thing… Kinda difficult staying focused for long, but I have enjoyed learning so far.


Got my bachelor’s at 23. Worked ever since, bar some years during which the illness got the better of me.

I would return to school - there’s so much to learn about this world - but I want to keep earning money and I kinda lack the drive to do both job and classes in parallel. We’ll see.


EdX.org is a great platform, @Schztuna - kudos for your choice and good luck with the course!


Hey thanks @Andrey! Or as the Italians say, grazie mille!

Best of luck to you as well :+1:


I think I’ve burned my chances at getting a job at a AAA game studio. I was offered an interview three times but got cold feet towards the date of the interview and canceled it.

It was for a tester position and I wonder why that’s all I can get with a Game Designer diploma. Other studios won’t even give me an interview. My only chance was to work with a third-party publisher that specializes in Quality Assurance!

I’m not ready to give up though, this is the final stepping stone into my plan, if I see I can’t work seriously, I will go back on disability and never bother again with any job! :sweat_smile:

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I took an extra year to finish high school. Took four years to get an undergraduate. And now will take two (part time) more years for a second undergraduate. So that’s 5years (full time) education. Full time employment max was 4 years

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I worked more. I worked from 2012 to 2017 - 18 when i became schizophrenic. I know not much but i graduated high school in 2012 then became ill 5 years later


I feel studying is more difficult than to work.

May be each individual have they own experience which make them excel either in studies or work.

For me studies create more stress ! ie : exams

But not work.

Also it depends on what kind of work I do.


I’ve been self employed most my life, f*ck school.

Had a business on YouTube in my early 20s then got into investing and haven’t looked back since.

Also worked some fun part time jobs here n there.

Now trying to become a millionaire through investing or live streaming on twitch.tv

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I’m split, I suppose. I worked while studying. I have a BA and an MA and am now back in school after over a decade to be more relevant.

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Definitlly worked.

I went to high school, graduated. I did take an online course from Penn Foster in residential electrical work. They sent you out books and stuff and then you would take the tests online. They also had a phone number you could call for questions.

But I have worked since I was 16 to like 41 years. So thats 25 years. I worked Several Manufacturing jobs, one janitorial job, a newpaper job, A security job, which I had for many years, both part time and full time depending if I worked another job at the time, and the electrical job.

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I wanted to do a masters after my undergraduate degree

But my mental state was on life support in my last year

Missed a lot of classes

Want work to help me find a data science masters but struggling to convince them

Before I wanted to go as far as my intellect would take me, but was robbed of that

However I learn a lot at work

In the last two years I have become proficient in R, GitHub, SQL and many other things

I lacked the technical skills before but I have built the experience

Data science is where I want to be

The job I do is a bit of a hybrid

We do analysis, programming, database management, pipelines etc

Never thought I would ever go back to work after the whole of 2022 being a write off but it has happened


So a combo of data analyst and data engineer?
Sounds uber cool, man.
Keep it up!


Yep we get exposed to so many elements of anything to do with data

Feel very privileged to have this job and the progress I have made is precious to me

In my last job in that sort of area we were severely restricted in the tools we could use

This suits me very well

I like being able to do a given project literally from start to finish


Proud of you dude. I remember when you were concerned you wouldnt be able to learn everything for your new job. I knew you could do it.

Nice job.


I learned on the job.
Feel it was a more efficient way of learning.
While making money.