So far so good. Haven’t used nicotine aids yet but have lozenges if I need. I have been using halls cough drops. They taste good and seem to help with cravings
I quit inhaling cigarette smoke at the age of 23, cold turkey. It wasn’t hard. I was a two pack a day smoker. I quit with peer pressure. The other nursing students I was going to school with pressured me into quitting, basically.
Four years later, after my divorce, I started puffing on cigarettes socially. On weekends mostly. I didn’t inhale them. I smoked in this manner for a total of 19 years. I quit puffing on cigarettes cold turkey too. My grown son challenged me to quit one day and I accepted. I never smoked another one after that.
I’ve been completely off cigarettes for 13 years now.
Champix/chantix. Didn’t even finish the course. Easiest thing I ever did and I tried everything before that to no avail. It made feel a little sick but I stuck with it and it’s now 10 years without.
Honestly what helped me quit is realizing it just is killing me. From that point on it’s more of a decision of if you want to quit or not, and if you do, you can. I used a vape and then just stopped that, but vapes can cause health issues also. There’s many ways to do it, find what works for you. If you can do cold turkey, go for it.
No, I still smoke, but not much tho
it is better to stop lozenges first and lower the patch by slivers
I quit 13 yrs ago
i genuinely believe i would’ve smoked again if i had had one proper craving!!!
avoid craving by taking lozenges and anything you need to top up like any medical substitute there is
i stayed on high dose for a long time i was 2 yrs quit smoking before quitting lozenges
i kept a button in my mouth for about the same period when i didn’t have a lozenge
i had no resistance to cravings
i hated it enough by that time though
if i were you i would go back to both for a few weeks - then taper lozenges
Cold Turkey. Everyday you keep reducing the amount of cigarettes you smoke until you are down to like 1 or 2 a day. Then you just completely stop. I got night sweats from the withdrawals for a couple of days when I drastically reduced the amount if nicotine I was ingesting . But it is well worth it. I stopped craving them within a few weeks once you get it out of your system.
You must be happily over the moon to quit such an addiction. But i have laughs as well and i smoke. I really can’t see a reason to quit. I actually believe it or not enjoy cigarettes. I started smoking in my teenage years and developed lungdisease. Smoking is something i would die for, cause i would quit otherwise.
I love ciggaretes, I wont quit
I did smoke for a while. Then I started vaping for ever.idk
I am the same @anon53623539, Only thing there is ridiculous tax on cigarettes in Australia. I was spending $10,000 a year on them and going broke. If they were still $5 a packet I would definitely still be smoking. So I took up vaping and now I like that better than smoking.
it was kinda easy for me to quit smoking because i dodnt like the way it made me feel, i was searching for something the nicotine wouldnt give me
I quit cold turkey on my 21st birthday and never looked back. One of the best things I have ever done.
I smoked for about 18 years. I tried to quit many times. I used gum, patches and mouth spray but finally quit with the help from Zyban. I quit in May 2007. Best decision I ever made
I smoked for about 12 years. I was able to finally quit 7 years ago using nicotine patches. It was so hard but managed to quit.
I quit maybe 15 years ago after 10 years of trying. I would always say to myself “this is going to be the last pack”. The patches helped a lot with the physical withdrawal. Once you make up your mind anyone can quit. Think how much money you will save and less worries about your health.
Since I quit vape my my gums have gotten a lot better
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