Today I started using the nicotine patch. I’m sick. So I don’t really feel like smoking anyway. Has anyone quit using the patch ?
I am allergic to the patch so I used the gum in the psych ward. Unfortunately I wasn’t trying to quit though. I went back to vaping (yes I vape not smoke).
I’m quit. I quit greater than 3 years ago. One of the things I used was the patch.
Have heard the lozenges are good also
Nothing worked for me and I tried everything. But I use an ecig now. So I’m tobacco free (but not nicotine free)
My husband quit using the gum.
If you try it, I suggest getting it at Costco, its half the price.
He also uses the lozenges that @Jimbob mentioned.
Good luck!
I went onto a 0 nicotine vape and cold turkey after a month
I did similar as spiderpig. I went cold turkey and then when the cravings got to be too much I went to the zero nicotine vape. Still use it occasionally when I get stressed. Haven’t had a cigarette in more than 4 years.
I quit using the patch yes. It took a few attempts but have been smoke free for 13 years.
You are all so encouraging with your successes!! Thank you