Did you laugh a lot when psychotic?

I laughed a lot when psychotic mostly alone and when I was with ppl it was inappropriate. My parents said I was crazy.


I would talk to myself nonsense and laugh. I was violent too.

Yes I would laugh at everything even sad things I still get those laughing spells even though I’m on meds

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Yea me too on meds it happens sometimes like on sad things but less than without meds.

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I get a big laugh sometimes over little things, yeah

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Sometimes I chuckle. You gotta find humor in every situation. It makes life a lot easier.


I’ve only ever had two full belly laughs. The first time I got high and when they said a ss(donkey) in church.

I tend to find inappropriate things funny. I find a lot of times my emotions don’t align with the situation


I do that. When someones crying in a film or something - i burst out laughing sometimes. Its quite evil.


Sometimes I laugh in social situations when it’s inappropriate to do so. Psychotic or not psychotic.

I couldn’t stop laughing at a funeral once. Embarrassing


I’m really afraid of the next funeral I have to go to because of this problem

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It’s really bad. I could not control myself


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Kind of yes and kind of no, I think it is part of mania.

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Yes i do fifteen

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I did laugh because I was thinking people were talking about me… But not a lot

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Oh yeah, during the buildup to the complete break from reality that started this whole mess, I would have fits of giggling for no logical reason. The worst part was that I was working retail at the time and I think customers would think I was laughing at them when said fits struck me at work, at least until I explained to them that I was not which I tried to be faithful about doing.


I laughed when I was with my family Dr, he got mad and asked me if I was laughing at him. I didn’t respond.


lol i did this too…when i was first appointed to a pdoc. i read my hospital notes and they wrote that i did weed…seriously how can they just do that idk…i wasnt even psychotic it was just nervous laughter.

anyways maybe they made a studpid mistake or misheard what i said somehow

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I always laugh a lot. I think less in inappropriate situations these days but still a lot.

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I laugh all the time everybody and everything funny :joy: antipsychotics are funny too haha

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