Crazy laughter

I’ve always enjoyed a giggle, but over the last months I’ve had the occasional fit of uncontrollable laughter. Sometimes they may have been triggered by a funny memory, but usually stuff I’d long stopped thinking as being funny. Sometimes no reason at all. Recently I was laughing for almost an hour. It’s get worse whenever I have a shower. I’m not exactly worried, but I guess I feel intrigued about it. Are sz more prone to ‘crazy laughter’ than ordinary mortals?


I don’t believe you…I think you just wanted to say “crazy laughter” like putting down sz’s…

You need new reading glasses, mate. That, or you’re just paranoid.


I don’t trust you…nobody laughs for an hour. not because they are delusional that is…I once cried all night when I was delusional…I could believe that…you are just trolling.

Do you mind leaving the thread alone? You’re being a paranoid pest.


@jukebox are you taking your meds as prescribed you sound a tad on edge


I am fine @Jonnybegood I know a troll when I see one.

I laugh uncontrollably often. Especially at nights. Also when I watch TV I laugh


When the hebephrenic voice takes over, I laugh or cry

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@jukebox you need to leave people alone. We have talked about this.


@jukebox, @NotSeksoEmpirico, I once had a fit of uncontrollable laughter that went on continuously and lasted over a week. It happened because I quit taking my Zyprexa without my pdocs permission. The laughter was due to acute mania.


How did your rib cage manage to survive the ordeal? I get pains just from watching movies

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It was pure hell. I was laughing at everything. Even inanimate objects. I even stayed up all night laughing. It scared the heck out of everybody.

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nevermind 1111111111111111111111


I have definitely had my moments of cackling for absolutely no reason.

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I was totally in the wrong and I feel really bad…I hope you can forgive me…I am not well I decided. I had no right to act the way I did…I’m sorry.


I appreciate your words. No harm done. All the best.


I get funny laughter when I don’t take my meds. It sounds like a hyena yelping. People laugh when they hear it. It doesnt happen when I take my meds like I should. Although I do get the odd giggle when something pops into my head. If it weren’t for this and the occasional TV show or movie I wouldn’t laugh at all.

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I get laughing spells too. It’s a symptom. It can come out of nowhere and ppl think it’s weird. I also laugh when it’s inappropriate and it can get me in trouble.