Did you know when you were psychotic? What did it feel like?

What does psychosis feel like and did you know you were psychotic?

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I was going in and out of having insight.


It was the same Thing as @Milly says sometimes I can feel that something is different and sometimes I just feel like I have spiritual insight . That I’m special


At first, I had no Insight when I was fully psychotic. I thought the government had hacked my mind by satellite, and that everyone was in on it

It took me about a year-and-a-half to accept that I was schizophrenic.


Have meds worked for you?

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No, unfortunately meds do nothing for me. I still take them, but I still have the voices everyday

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I’m like @Milly here - I have insight sometimes and no insight other times. Psychosis feels like a dream - when you’re in it it’s real and when it’s faded it doesn’t seem like it happened - like a dream that’s faded.


I guess it ranges from magical to terrifying.

What did it feel like for you? Did you know when you were in psychosis or did you have insight? @CakeFlourSugar

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Yes, I definitely had insight. But I think that sometimes makes it harder to have doctors take you seriously, if you have insight


Feels like a nightmare for me. Mostly people doing things to ruin me, my job. Couldn’t tell what was my delusion vs reality. Made accusations to management and HR about other departments sending people obsene videos of me. Eventually couldn’t trust HR either. Escalated by surveillance. Could not trust anyone but my department. No one believed me but my department. I would also wake up under my desk sleeping at work. Just embarrassing. Why am I sharing. Just cause.

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Terrifying because I thought what I was “experiencing” was real.

Not until they bombed me with a tonne of meds. I was crippled by side-effects, but I was able to (mostly) tell what was real.


Awful. Because, as @shutterbug said, it seems so real.

And I knew, but it was like watching myself do things from the sidelines.


I should also add it was frustrating because I couldn’t get anyone I told about what was happening to take me seriously. I really started to hate everyone around me for mocking me on top of everything else.


mine began euphoric but in despair at the same time…I stabilized and was released from the first ward, but I didn’t think I needed the meds and then months later was in complete terror for about five months…I tell people it’s like I did a couple tours in Nam.

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Can I ask, was a just an overall sense of being disconnected from reality, like there was a wall blocking you from reality?

How did they finally take you seriously?

I explained it this way in my book…“for every question there is an answer, and every answer leads to three more questions…this quid pro quo of the mind is how a schizophrenic descends into madness.”

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My delusion and reality mesh - can’t tell one apart from another. Guess I was not questioning what is a delusion. What do you know is reality breaks. When you are in it it is reality. Now with insight, some I can say maybe didn’t happen. Like obsene videos emailed through out the company. Think that is why its impossible for me to continue to work experiencing persucatory delusions. It was harmful to others.

Not sure how anyone else experience psychosis in the workplace.

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I knew they were impossible stupid but I still thought they were real I had the feeling they were real and this feeling didn’t go away

My life felt like a movie.

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Feels like being scared and excited and anxious and agitated sometimes euphoric.

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