Did you have any insight into your illness?

Did you know you were psychotic or have any insight?


I have insight most of the time. I’m still psychotic now and can admit this.

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Probably not for the first year. It was pretty hectic and bizarre. Somehow I continued to function though.

Now I have full inside, and glad I have come out of it

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I didn’t know I was psychotic until I was on the right meds and had a good psychologist…

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I didn’t arrive at the thought I was psychotic, during the psychosis.

It takes awhile to clearly think.


I told the voices they were just hallucinations and i was going to tell someone about them and then they got angry and threatened to have me locked up for the rest of my life or kill me so they made me believe they were real.

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Can I ask how long it took you to think clearly, I’m assuming after starting meds?

Depended on the situation and how severe.

Some times it was hours, some times days at a time.
Medication and a safe place, is the best assistance to help you think clearly.

Looking back, some times a month later, I look and see how or what I could have done differently.


Good times, bad times, good thinking process, bad thinking process. Remember to listen to positive nature voices too. Not only whats in you.


May I ask which meds worked for you?

No I didn’t the first time. And nor the second time.

I had not yet been medicated at this point.

Anyways, third time round, I did have a bit of insight.

In the sense that I was actually questioning is this really real or not.

But I still felt it was real.

However, I was actually questioning it.

Unlike first and second time.

Hope this helps


It took me 8yrs to have insight. During those yrs I stopped meds many times.

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Clozaril this last time.
Seroquel the previous.

I still hear voices on both, but I have more clarity.

So the meds really work for you Aziz?

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Yes they do if I dont stop them.


Can I ask you Aziz, how did you know you were getting better? Did it feel weird or shocking to realize how disconnected you were?

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My environment, parents, etc all told me that I got better, also I dont have fear and paranoia anymore.

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That is awesome

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Hey Aziz, two more questions and feel free to tell me I’m bugging you! When you were psychotic how would you feel first thing when you woke up?

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I knew when I was 13 that something wasn’t right…but from my environment mental health was seen as full of crazy people. I pushed it to the side.So I didn’t get help for years.