Depression? Negative symptoms? It doesn't matter

I’m getting tired of living like this.

Today it feels so much worse, because I couldn’t even bring myself to go to my niece’s graduation party. My niece is autistic, so it’s kind of a big deal that she was able to graduate from high school.

I feel like such a piece of ■■■■ for staying home, just because I couldn’t bear the thought of being around people. That was selfish.

I’m hoping these things will improve as I get back to work, but there’s no guarantee it will.

Sorry, just needed to vent this self-loathing ■■■■■■■■.


I’m sure once you get back to work things will improve.

Being out of work has put you out of any routine and that’s been super unhealthy,

Especially of late.

Its almost over, you’re starting at the pharmacy just next week.

And I don’t think you should beat yourself up about this party thing,

Send her a card later if you want.


Yeah, I can hope that getting back to work will help.

Lately the thing I most look forward to is going to sleep. I count down the hours until I can go to bed for the night.

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I’ve had periods like that too,

Where going to bed was my favorite part of the day.

That feeling will fade once you have busy days.

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it’s ok to put yourself before others.
that doesn’t make you selfish.
that makes you human.
but of course the thoughts of regret will still be there.
push through!
sending good vibes :sunflower:


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