I feel low

Sleeping on days. Just a bad week.
Tomorrow i have a job meeting and on tuesday another thing. I just feel bleh.
today i feel like just laying in bed all day and i took my meds. Because im really depressed today. Ive never been afraid of going out but today i feel so.

Sorry you feel this way. Hoping you feel better soon.

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I see these activities like stressfull.

I hope you feel better Yellowdiamond, I can relate.

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Well @Yellowdiamond im having a … day too. Tired, and lack of motivation. Drug and alcohol craving.
I only have agoraphobia when tired.
Let’s hope for a better day tomorrow.


I’m trying to do nothing these days. I’ve realized i’ve burned my brain by thinking too much the past ten years, so I have to stop this. I was thinking about things I would never realize, so it’s not useful, it’s the disease.


Some days, you just need to accept, that you can do nothing. You have to relax to be able to function better tomorrow. You need a break.

Im having one of these days where i do nothing but regenerate.


Yes that’s how i feel at the moment, don’t know how much time it will last.


Then we are having a break together :+1: for me it can take a day, sometimes a week. But i have to have energy tomorrow. Im having a meeting tomorrow regarding my disability application.


Ok so good luck for tomorrow !


i always feel best on the weekends. The week is stressful.
I dont know if im depressed but probably.
Thanks @bluebutterfly

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Well we cant do nothing then we get depressed. But stress is hard.

Sorry you feel this way @Yellowdiamond

Motivate yourself to work out, its the best picker upper

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