Demisexual ... I think

I’m either asexual or something called demisexual … But I’m still trying to figure it out … I didn’t feel attracted to my partner till I got to know him.but I’m glad we took the time over it I still feel it’s going to take time to be fully comfortable.


The important thing about labels is you just have to choose the one you think fits. And only if you want to!!

I identify as asexual but I went through times where I thought I was pansexual and demisexual. You can always change your label if you feel it doesn’t fit!!

Good luck to you and your boyfriend!!


Well a gay here but my questioning period was pretty deep and long but above all @anon80629714 be happy with yourself. :slight_smile:


Wtf are any of those ? Is that some new labels they cane up with … ? … can someone explain

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Well a gay means I like dudes just like me. An asexual is someone with little or no sexual interest for another person.

The others I know little of. :slight_smile:

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Demisexual is someone who doesn’t experience sexual attraction until an emotional connection is formed.

Pansexual are attracted to 2 or more genders.


Thanks y’all …I try to stay away from labels


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