Anyone else deal with fatigue?
The last year or so I keep having days where I want to stimulate myself with games films etc, but I also feel too tired to focus and would prefer to lounge and sit and chill, or lie in bed etc.
I also sleep a lot (12 hours most often), and it feels like I am wasting so much of my time not doing things I enjoy.
Caffeine pills helped me a bit. But not by much.
I drink a lot of coffee. I have played with stopping it before. Maybe tomorrow I will try red tea in the morning again and keep coffee for lunch or something.
Only on the days that end in Y.
Otherwise, no.
Hahha. I haven’t actually heard that one before
Spent ten minutes in bed willing myself to get up and walk. Got up and looked outside. Rain.
All that mental energy spent for nothing.
I almost feel like I could have ME or something. It seems like when I go out and do stuff, I have to have a recovery day. Even if it wasnt strenuous or demanding in any capacity.
I’m the same. It’s not ME though, it’s just schizophrenia.
Yeah only when I open my eyes
Caffeine helps. Exercise.
I tried ritalin for a bit. Overestimated me mostly.
And I tried modafinil.
Lol. I was looking for threads on fatigue and forgot I made one myself.
I’ve been lying in bed since about 6PM today. Have been up since about 10AM. Reasonably long day for me!
Mentally part of me wants stimulation like games or films etc but everytime I get up I feel physically too tired to sit up. Its so much more comfy lying down.
Going to have some examinations soon for fatigue. Im worried they will tell me its ME. I had a psychiatric nurse who I really liked who thought I might have it based on how I would always sleep a lot as normal.
Earlier I found a pinch of salt really woke me up mentally. But I still ended up in bed.
I’m tired all the time. Oddly, salt has helped me as well. Who knows why. I regularly take the max amount of caffeine pills daily.
Im not very happy at the moment.
Done very little for the last three days.
I get up and dressed and eat breakfast, go on the computer, maybe play guitar. Then after 2 hours or so I find myself going back to bed
I don’t even know if it is fatigue and it’s not just low motivation. I have things I want to do but I just don’t feel like I have the energy to do them. Its so much easier sitting in bed
But after 3 days its depressing.
Thinking of calling the crisis line, but worried I’ll get someone awful.
Sorry you’re feeling this way. If you think calling the crisis line will help go ahead … I hope you get someone kind.
It could be depression.
My friends messaged me to come game with them and once I started playing I stopped thinking about having low motivation/feeling tired and I just did it.
Feeling not as low now.
I wish I could talk to a psychiartic nusse about it. Feel like theyd have advice. May call up my mental health team tomorrow when I can and asks to talk to their duty nurse.
Which games do you play? I have lots of games but with my low motivation I can only play Call of Duty. Idk why maybe bcz its fast paced. When I had more motivation on Abilify I used to play lots of games, Assassin Creed, Red Dead, Tomb Raider, Fifa, etc
I play DOTA2 with my friends. We arent very good at it but its fun and deep. Has a very high skill ceiling.
Im trying to play Elite Dangerous on my own too but I keep putting it off lol!
I also play They Are Billions, Minecraft, DMC5, FFXIV.
I have chronic fatigue and it sucks big time.
I’ve been told that I would have it for the rest of my life.
Yea I can’t play on my own, only with friends. Idk why. On Abilify my motivation was better I played on my own but I think I had mania on Abilify. I read that in rare cases Abilify can induce mania.
I’ve been super fatigued all the time for as long as I can remember. Take your meds on a regular schedule, drink a lot of caffeine, caffeine pills are a must, taking melatonin before you go to sleep can help you feel more well-rested, sometimes journaling before I go to bed helps me fall asleep faster (get all the racing thoughts out on paper), set a routine for yourself, drink a lot of water, I eat like 4 times a day so I stay energized. Those are a few things that help me a lil. Hope this helps!