Strong Fatigue

Does anyone else feel that SZ really tires them out - like they can never get enough rest? Is it just me?


Nope. Definitely can relate. My last actual ā€œwalkā€ (exercise) was on the 30th of September. Iā€™ve been bed-ridden and worn out for no good reason since then. I think the seasons are having a strong negating effect on my expendable energy. I have none left to give.

Thank you for sharing - sorry you can relate though. Mind me asking - as time passes do you notice your fatigue getting stronger? I do. Also, is ok to ask what your doc says about this?

i rest when i can, when i need it, the meds try and counter that and make me sleepy a lot but i think i need to cut down on one of them to stop this from happening

but in response to the title i believe its true except the last 4 letter lol

(its hard hauling this ass around) :wink: haha

Thanks for sharing, daydreamer! Anyone else often feel so tired, but not able to sleep - just kinda half alive?

Yes my friend, in my case, Trifluperazine has made me feel fatigue since the first time that I took it. Haldol was my worst experience, I wanted to sleep all day.

I donā€™t know just yet. Empirically, I would say ā€œnoā€ at the moment. I am on sort of on a wavelength, so-to-speak, where I can get up & do something in the morning on certain days, but other days I canā€™t do anything. Iā€™m slowly turning into a morning person it seems, however I feel docile or ā€œemptyā€ the majority of the days after breakfast.

Iā€™m looking forward to Spring & seeing if that improves my available energy.

I donā€™t talk with my doctor about anything anymore unless he asks about it. Iā€™ve learned not to describe my situation in such detail anymore, as the only solutions are anti-psychotics or anti-depressants, neither of which have ever worked for me.

I can sleep for 15 hours if I let myself. Not always though. For me I believe it is either negative symptoms or a depressive phase.

I call it being in ā€˜the cloudā€™ or a grey cloud.

i am always tiredā€¦brain never stops !?! :scream:
take care :alien:

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