Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

My Fatigue has been kicking my ass the last 2 days, its been up and down but it can get so bad that I cant move and my heart starts racing, my breathing gets weird and I start to panic, luckily I have diazepam if it gets too bad but man :frowning: i hate it.

Any Fatigue sufferers in this forum?


I hope you get to feeling better. Usually when I get fatigue I lie down in bed. Take a nap. Maybe a doc can help.

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I’ve been falling asleep a lot during the days recently…I mean A LOT. Like 3 or 4 times a day every few hours. Took my caffeine pill today and it seems to be helping some. Still getting a bit drowsy. May expect a nap in a few hours. Still, one nap is better than 3 or 4.

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Sorry to hear that dude. Hopefully you’ll get more energy eventually. I’m sorry if I’m ignorant but what is your diet like? (have you checked your blood levels of nutrients?)

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Idk, i haven’t got a great diet but I eat when I have to, i haven’t really said to the doctor about this :frowning:

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The doctors were no help to me when I told them I was tired all the time.

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The fatigue I get while being sick with flu or covid feels different from the fatigue I get from sz negative symptoms.


Idk if I have had covid or its just a condition I have but it is exhausting, i feel terrible with no energy and it can get that my heart starts racing and I feel panicky, this is despite having loads of rest, i can get it when I haven’t even exercised and its very random.


I’m pretty uncomfortable myself.

Sounds to me like it would be worth seeing a doctor about


It could be many things/anything

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its just these days the way things are right now i dont want to bother the dr’s and they are always busy, its hard to chat to them these days.

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I know what typically men are like they put off going to see a doctor unless their dying

You really really NEED TO SEE YOUR GP

I won’t take no for an answer!!!


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Fatigue has been kicking my arse the last couple of weeks. Always wanna go to bed and don’t wanna sit up. Its annoying.
I wish there was a simple cure.
I’ve been thinking about buying energy drinks see if they help but I already drink a lot of caffeine and I don’t think its a good idea. Just getting desperate to not feel dead all the time.

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I have some fatigue as well but its not been too bad of late, saying that I am a bit knackered right now, it sounds like you are affected really badly with it though, idk what you can do other than follow your doctors guidance, I haven’t been to the dr about my fatigue issue but i have been told i should bc it could be an iron deficiency.

You may as well get some blood tests to confirm if it is iron

I thought for sure I had something wrong with me but they said my bloods and organs are fine. So its most likely related to SZA imo.

I might get some betaine supplments. I heard that can help SZ in mice and Im curious if itd help me.

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I think it might have started when I was delusional and thought I was being targeted by the Devil prior to hospitalization in 2020,

Later my liver duct got blocked and I couldn’t move for a few days, I was in a lot of pain and had to take strong painkillers in hospital, then they said I’d need my Gal bladder taken out so I had surgery for that and the fatigue has got worse I think,

Last month I had covid and tonsillitis as well, so my body has been through a lot I guess.

Its just a guess that its a combination of all these things but idk, I cant self diagnose.

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Wow that sounds really rough dude. Sounds like youve had a hard time recently.

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yeah but someone will have had it worse, I just try and get on with things,

A few months ago I was nearly hospitalised again bc I panicked so much that they had to take me to A&E and I was in hysterics the whole night, that was really fkd up and idk how I wasn’t hospitalised for it & somehow I was able to get home the next day lol

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Someone, somewhere will always have it worse all the way down to the worst one of all.

Doesn’t make other problems for people less difficult. You’re allowed to have a rough time and acknowledge it.


I kept asking doctors if I was tired all the time because I had schizophrenia or because of the treatment for schizophrenia. None of them would say anything except they didn’t know why I was tired all the time. Finally, one doctor who was private pay said, “Well, you take enough meds to sedate a horse.”

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