Dating is annoying

I’m getting to the point where Im hating online dating. All I attract is old ass men and freaks. I’m like really. One guy I really like is ignoring me and I’m like WTF? He was talking fine earlier then he stopped messaging me. It’s been a couple of days too. I hope he ain’t full of it. Men are complicated. My chances are already slim because of this damn disease. I just feel like I’m being played.

Ya I hate online dating too. I’m a fairly normal person socially just have no clue where to meet people. Or don’t have the effort to do It. And some anxiety about it.

Not sure how old you are but I gave up on it years ago, It’s complicated on both sides of the fence add in a bunch of players and people that can’t be honest or up front about what their looking for and it all goes to hell.

Used to be most people met in the work place, should go back to that, you get to know a person before dating and although you have to work together even though it may not work I think it’s better than scrolling through a bunch of pictures and people picking people from a few words of type.

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Tried once and it was just awful. I don’t think I would ever do that again. I’ve always expected that the right one will come along via a fated meeting. That and I always felt too immature for it.

Isn’t the stereotype that men aren’t complicated but humans are. Strange how those two work. Anyway there are a lot of different reason why he could be not answering. Maybe he is like how I am with facebook and checks in every month for like 2 mins. He could be not that into you or he could be playing hard to get. Also how does a man attract a woman? I mean what specifically attracted you to him. There could be others that fit this criteria. I know that my experience was that I tried it for a month got ignored by every girl I sent a message to and then I closed my account.

Apparently from what I heard men with sz can’t get a date if the women know and women can’t keep a man in a meaningful relationship if they know.