What is one thing that would cause you to completely cut off a family member(s)? And would you want to make amends after stepping back. Mine was malignant narcissism abuse and high stress from them wanting us to be ok being around a pedophile. I feel sad that they have to be that way, but I feel guilty.
My partner wishes I would cut my family off and I did for a few months. But my father is in hospice with end stage copd he has sza too but he refused meds for it. My mom and brother are both bipolar and neither take meds. They tried to get me to leave my partner of 10 years with manipulation and promises they would quit smoking, drinking and smoking weed.
We’ve been cut off from them for 8 months but something in me has compassion for them. It’s my husband’s family. He was ok with it, but somehow I’m feeling sad about it because they love my kids, but they always mistreated us as a couple. I’m conflicted.
I cut out my family for being manipulative uncaring assholes for a long time, but when I had my daughter I felt like I didn’t want to keep her away from them. That maybe they deserved a second chance. But now they’re treating her as the black sheep, too, so I’m about to cut them out again if it doesn’t change.
That’s so sad that is happening to her too. You both don’t deserve to be treated that way. See that’s the thing with us. We gave many chances, but it never got us anywhere.
Well the pattern with my sister is she gives me a tongue lashing about something, then I don’t want to talk to her. They live in another world. They are upper middle class, and I’m poor living on Social Security Disability. I feel very distant from my sister and her family.
mine was being written off by my dad. he favors my other siblings after i got sz. he also likes to pretend it doesnt exist and doesnt listen to my issues. he treats me like i was an accident, or like i should be ashamed of my illness and just pretend it doesnt exist.
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