Crisis Team Rejects referral

I am in the middle of a meds change, and the step in case worker thought I needed their support

In the past we have had the crisis home treatment team in my property, and the service they provided to me last time was appalling, so I sent them away

Now they have the cheek to refuse my treatment by them because they’re ‘busy’

What a pitiful excuse to give

Why not tell the truth, that unless I am actively threatening to kill myself I don’t get any support

Half my problems right now are due to them messing with my meds in the first place, and look where we’re at with this now?

I have financed out of my own pocket 5 months of being sick, and for what?

To be honest I am angry right now.

What I am proposing to do is to cut them off.

If they can cut me off, then it’s free game to reciprocate

I end up dead or in hospital, their oversight not mine

Could not care about either end

What I will do however is stick to the med change, with my mother dealing with them, then I will have no further contact

In this together? Not really.

I feel abandoned by the very people who have crippled me in bed for months whilst I wait, and wait for them to ‘support’ me.

I am sick of it

Healthcare should not be withheld to the point that if it’s a life threatening situation


If you can pay for 5 months of sick leave, It’s much cheaper to just get a private psychiatrist and get proper help.

At least that’s what I would do if my life depended on it.

I don’t understand the distinction as the doctors are the same if run by the state or their own interest.

Going private in the UK is reserved for people with an insane amount of wealth.

My 5 months off sick has been pittance to the high cost of private care


I would not agree with only seeing a pdoc every couple of months when you’re in acute need of help. You need frequent follow up to get your meds right.

If the system doesn’t provide the help you need I would look elsewhere. I know a private pdoc is 250£-300£ per session in the UK.

I would rather invest in that and get proper care.

But it’s your money and your life.

Does your current pdoc care at all?

They’re too busy to do this, and rely on case workers feeding back info to the doctors rather than the doctors having regular contact with patients.

That I can’t afford with my expenses

Also private prescriptions cost way more than the £10 a month I pay the NHS

Can’t afford it

He has 1,500 patients I have been told, and doesn’t have time to monitor everyone

Not enough docs here


Seriously, it sounds like the UK psychiatric system is broken despite the NHS’s publicity for free healthcare for all.


Screw that out of pocket - demand the help. If you are in fear of harming yourself they need to help you. Damn.


Would you get better care if you went in patient?

Crisis Home Treatment Team is suppose to be last resort before hospital.

If they’re saying no, then becoming an inpatient is not really going to happen unless I unsuccessfully try to commit suicide

You know what.

This forum can also go.

If I am doing this alone, so be it

Maybe you can move to a country with better psychiatric care.

I would be creative and keep looking until you find a solution.

Don’t give up!

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Joker calm down mate i just seen this and i want to help but there isn’t really anything that i can write or think of???
the NHS is struggling
theres no help hardly, everyone is getting turned away
even suicidal people who make suicide attempts DON’T get help or put into hospital!!!
Its just a matter of keep on communicating your distress and you have your mum to help you
I hope you are okay?


We are here to try to help you @Joker , but yours is a difficult situation. We don’t have all the answers. Please don’t give up on the forum because we can’t solve your problems easily.


I only have to talk about microchips and I get sectioned. I’ve had the same community nurse for 7 years which I see every 2/3 weeks.

There’s not much I can say about what’s going on @Joker.
But I hope your med change works out and that you will find your way to better days.
Don’t give up. Things will get better.


I’m not surprised at all.

The crisis team have a bad reputation,
“The Gate Keeper’s For aBed”

They don’t care, yes you have to be half dead for them to get you a bed. There patronising, intimidating and incompetent.

Probably sat there stuffing there faces with cake & biscuits, whilst you are sat there suffering.

In the past I have had many many problems with the CT. I hope they see this and my name.

Everyone suffers because of the lack of professional service from the mental health trust.

As soon as I saw this regarding the crisis team, I had to reply.

You probably have more chances of sh!ting Gold than getting any help off them.

Disgusting how we are treated.

Nesta xxx

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Sorry @anon85745701 @Bowens @Jonathan2 @bobbilly @eighteyedspy23 @lovesong

I created this thread in anger

They did want to try referring me back, but I refused to play their games

Waste of time

@lovesong Very true words


Sorry to hear this @joker. Something similar happened to me. I had actually tried to kill myself and ended up in hospital. When i wkke up, they tried to get my partner to take me home, despite everything that had just happened. Drug abusers get priority, but if you have a serious mental illness, you’re disposable.

I hope your situation improves @Joker. Sorry to hear you’re being given the run around.


Here social security doesn’t pay if you end up in a psychiatric hospital for a suicide attempt or drug addiction.

Don’t know their exact reasoning for this. Maybe they think it’s your own decision.

They do the same here I think - it says on my PIP letters to inform them, but getting through on the phone is nearly impossible

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