Anyone have experience with the crisis team?

My GP referred me to the crisis team yesterday afternoon, apparently they visit you at home and give you frequent care and decide if you need to be admitted to a hospital.

But they call you first to arrange if and when they’re going to come and visit you.

They still haven’t rang, if they’re connected to my mental health team I bet they’ll make me feel like s*** on the phone and refuse to come and see me as it’s all part of the plot to trigger me and make me do something.


They are there to help …though the thought of being admitted wont be helping ,i just finished with a crisis team they visited every 2-3 days to begin with, usually two cpn’s ,they asked all the same questions my regular cpn would ask, seems a waste of time really ,they visited for 2 weeks and i didn’t really gain much from it ,i explained to them sz is an unpredictable illness and i can’t really tell whether i’m going to be 100% one day to the next.


Okay thanks, that sounds better than the care I’m currently getting anyway.

I don’t have sz but i get what you mean about not being able to predict when or if you’re going to have another crisis.

Like I’m feeling okay right now but I’m just worried about when they call, what they’re going to say or even if they’re going to call or do anything.


I just got discharged from them on Monday. I was seeing them for about a week due coming off one of my medications and switching to a new one.

I have lost quite a bit of weight. Was getting about 2 hours sleep a night. And hardly eating. But I was kept out the hospital. They try to keep you out at all costs. This is why they visit you.

They are not so bad. But I can’t stand having them around because people get all in my business wondering what’s going on.

They are a big team. And different people will come out each time. Usually 2 come out to visit you. They came out every day to see me. Brought me some food. Then took me food shopping at the end of the week.

They have been helpful. It’s better that than the hospital any day. I literally forced food down my throat no matter how small it was.

I am not sure what county you are in and here in the UK it can be a bit different in each place. But my experiences with them have been positive.

I hope you feel better soon and you will get through this. And you can also call them day or night. That’s what they are there for. Don’t be afraid to. That is what I’ve been told. X

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I’ve had meetings with the crisis team on two separate occasions. They would visit me every couple of days for a couple of weeks, it was two CPNs that I’d never met before and they weren’t part of my mental health team.

On both occasions, the crisis team didn’t put me into hospital, just got me back on meds again. One thing that I’m grateful to them for is giving me my diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, up until then I was seeing my mental health team but didn’t have a diagnosis. It may sound weird being grateful for a diagnosis of sz but it came as a relief to know my ‘issues’ were caused by an illness and weren’t my fault.

I remember the first time they visited I actually phoned them up afterwards and said something along the lines of ‘I’m not sick and I think I’m wasting your time.’ I thought the delusions I had were real and that the mafia really were trying to do me in… It sounds funny now but it seemed real to me at the time.

Anyway, that’s my experience of the crisis team, mostly positive. I’m in the UK btw maybe it differs in other countries. Good luck with it.


I have met something similar 3 years ago, it was like a KGB interrogation, the pdoc was arrogantly speaking and the others were taking notes…