My right foot has this one crack in it that is incredibly painful. Even taking off socks hurts

Does anyone have any ideas of the causes

Or treatment options ideally natural ones

Anyone have this problem where the crack becomes problematic?

How do you deal with it?


I get cracked heels from dry skin. I went to a chiropodist. They said to moisture my feet like twice daily.

There might be other causes though that I don’t know about

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Yea my heels are very dry.

Especially in the winter it’s more common.

I’ve heard being overweight can also contribute

Cos there’s more pressure on dry skin to crack

Does yours hurt really bad?

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I think mine hurt like 1 time. The chiropodist said the cracks can get infected so you might want to see a doctor

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Yep I’m really scared about infection.

I mean for starters my socks fabric keep getting stuck in the heel cracks :unamused:

It’s real disgusting.

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It is really deep


Tbh mae I think that looks a bit angry. You might need antibiotics


And the position is terrible. Every time I stand it opens up from standing :confused:

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I’m with @Jimbob here. It’s hard to tell from the photo for sure, but is the skin arouns it red, warm to the touch, or developing whitehead pimples?


I sometimes get cracks on the bottom of my feet. I’ve found that if I get some kind of ointment and put it on the cracks it helps a LOT. I get most of that kind of ointment at the “Dollar Tree”. They have some great bargains on that kind of thing. A tube of ointment for your teeth that costs six dollars at Walmart costs $1 at the “Dollar Tree”. I bet it is the same way with foot ointment.

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Yea it does look kind of infected in the photo but no worries in real life you would see that it’s okay.

I bloody well hope I don’t get any infections

Imagine that I would have to take time off work, again.

But yes it really is as deep as the heel crack looks

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Hey Crimby.

Yes I do that since this morning. Bit late I know.

I am rubbing coconut oil into it and around it.

It does provide some relief but I hope it heals.


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The soldiers in the trenches in World War I were having terrible problems with “trench feet”. They often lost their feet to this condition. Then they discovered that if they took their boots off every four hours and rubbed their feet with cooking oil it solved the problem.

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Omg let’s hope I don’t loose my foot like them.

Yep it’s shitty condition to have. Don’t look good either.

You would have a long way to go to get that bad. I know what you have hurts, though. I’ve had similar problems with my feet.

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Wow that looks painful! Think it’s time to see the doctor, you don’t want that to get infected. You only get two feet so ya gotta take care of them!

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My parents have cracked heals, they use moisturizers with vitamin E

Edit: This is what they use, here is the UK site:

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My heels crack and bleed too. I got a skin file at the drug store. I used a razor first and cut off as much of the callous skin on my heels. Then I used the skin file and filed it down as much as possible. Then I used lotion with aloe. It stung a little but getting rid of all the callous helped.

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You need to work your calluses down regularly or they get so thick they crack. Get what is essentially a large emery board for feet from the dollar store or pharmacy. You file down the calluses once a week until your feet are soft again. I walk so much that I’m prone to thick calluses on my feet if I don’t constantly maintain them.