Had my feet done

Had my feet done. Woman doing them noticed I had hard skin on my right sole. She said it’s because I put more pressure on my right foot. The sole of the right foot has been rather sore for a while. She used a scraper(for want of a better word) on the foot and put some moisturiser on my feet. It’s still quite sore though.


I was born with a club foot

and had to wear braces with a bar between feet when I was starting to walk

my mom says I refused to walk, and I crawled

the things we survive from

maybe you need new shoes, @firemonkey

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Years ago I had insoles for my feet due to having flat feet and a high instep;.

yeah, was there pain you were experiencing?

my arches fell, and I need plaster insoles still.

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I described my pain like biting and chewing into a cavity in your tooth

every time I stepped down.

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Yes- it’s quite painful/sore.

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my step dad has it too

he was a roofer all his adult life

I think he wears what I wear.

I have high arches. I’ve sometimes felt like my arches have wanted to fall. But, they never do. They just feel like they are going to.

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when I was 5, my really wonderful doctor

told me and my mother I had to wear theurapeudic shoes

the rest of my life

but I never did, just lots of tennis shoes.

I have see a chiropodist too. I am a bit too big to care for my feet properly. I too get dry skin on the heels.

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I have wide feet so buying shoes isn’t easy. I also find with some shoes the skin gets rubbed off the back of the foot, and it is bleeding and sore. This is with hard backed shoes.


I am very prone to dry skin.

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Do you mind if I ask if this was on the nhs? I was told I don’t qualify for nhs foot care. I go to a private practitioner

see, my feet are narrow

I bet I’ve sprained my ankle about 10 times in my life

It’s private @anon94176359 . Costs £28 . She comes every 12 weeks or so.

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Yeah mine costs £25.

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