Every night when I hit the sack, the muscles in the arch area of my feet tighten up to such a degree that bones end up being re-positioned to the point of becoming painful.
So what I have to do is straighten out each foot, and then you hear a big snap sound as the bones move back to their proper position, and the pain is then gone.
My main problem right now is calluses from all the walking I’m doing. I need to file them down or they get too thick and split, exposing raw flesh underneath. Then I get infections where my heel split. The maintenance is time consuming, but necessary to avoid worse problems down the road.
I messed up my one foot years ago jumping off a high trailer, then having a log roll on it from same trailer. Then stepped on over the years by cows ha.
I get plantar fascitis and it’s horribly painful. I keep exercising and that helps but if it flares up it’s just deep tissue massage. I use an old cricket ball which is hard as a rock.
Sometimes if I bend my foot too much inwards I get a spasm which hurts like crazy if I don’t bend my foot outwards
Also I hurt my big toe a few months ago so my toenail discoloured. It’s slowly growing out with toenail. It looks so ugly and I’m looking forward to it growing out completely
No one’s going to believe this but I’ve had athletes foot for three years. It started itching when I was in a board & care home three years ago. It used to feel sooo good to scratch it. I tried the cream the doctor recommended about a year and a half ago and I thought it worked but it came back. Now, I see a dermatologist for lumps on my head and discovered last visit she treats athletes foot also. So now I will be putting on the medicine for 90 days.
I have a heel spur. I also get plantar fasciitis because of it sometimes. Also because I’m fat my feet just ache sometimes. The best thing I know to do for feet is to freeze water bottles full of water and then roll your feet across them on the floor to ice your feet and massage them. It takes down swelling.
When I had plantar fasciatus, my doctor gave me a print out of some simple exercises and also had me ice my feet three times a day. It’s a serious condition, I had to miss a month of work because of it. And also, the doc said not to go barefoot, either outside or inside until it got better.