Covid 19 Part 3

Time to reboot?

Go to Town!


If you succumb to Covid 19, who would you leave your porn collection to?

I mean, c’mon…everyone has a porn corner somewhere in their house, don’t they? :joy:


No. Everyone has a phone or computer.


But seriously, all I’ve really got in this world that matters to me is my guitar and kid’s baby videos…pets as well.


I guess I would leave my home to my daughter

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Another Poem:

That one dude really threw
The world for a loop
When he asked the waiter
To bring him bat soup!


Coronavirus infections top 600,000 worldwide, coronavirus cases increase exponentially in some regions.


Ain’t that the truth. I can understand people eating anything if they’re hungry enough

I’ve got a headache. I don’t normally get headaches. :frowning:

No fever, No cough though.


Try drinking some water @everhopeful.
You could be dehydrated.


the US Food and Drug Administration cleared a new rapid test from Abbott Laboratories, which the company says can detect the coronavirus in about five minutes.


the first death in the county over, back in my hometown. a 83 year old man with underlying health conditions. im paranoid it was going around there, we go to church there on sundays and the music minister had a cough and then he was treated for “pnemonia” he put his hand on my shoulder one sunday while he was sick. of course the regular minister got sick also. they just kept coming to church and spreading it, who knows what they got? that was about a month ago.

im starting to get paranoid i got it, ive noticed a burning sensation in my upper left lung this morning. it went away but has crept up 3 times this morning. i heard it scars the lungs so im concerned. the only place i’ve gone for the last 3 weeks is the grocery store, haven’t been to church in a month now and don’t plan on going back. so i guess the only place i could catch it is the grocery or from mom and dad. other than that i have no symptoms, no cough, no fever.

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Some religious organizations have changed their practices and they have services online so that people can stay at their homes, but still connected to other people virtually. In this way there is a fewer chances that the coronavirus spreads in their organizations. My local main church has been closed since this became pandemic. The WHO talks about physical distancing, but still people can be socially connected on the net.


yeah last week was the first time they broadcast online. they were a little late to the party. it will be online from now on until it’s safe to get back in the water.

60+ years aren’t allowed to go out at all since 3 days here in Canada. Our fridge is empty, my mother just got 700$ of costco groceries.


Deaths in UK have gone from c750 to over 1000 overnight. The hospitals must be in a seriously bad crisis.

In Louisiana the number of infections skyrocketed by 40 % in one day. A really bad situation. They tell it is going to become worse before it gets better.

I can see the small grocer from my house. Parking lot is full daily. People aren’t staying home like they’re supposed to.

Everyone is staying at home here it looks like people are taking heed to this crisis …
I went to PSR and there was only 2 people there …