
Have you had a colonoscopy? Everyone is trying to get me to do it but it looks too difficult and I don’t care if I die. Problem with not caring about death is it makes you more unhappy.

You have to have someone pick you up from the hospital when having the test and I don’t know anyone in this town. I’m going to a church where I should ask someone to help.

I’m 54 yrs old.


Why is that ?..

It’s a routine procedure that could spare you a lot of pain in the long run. The prep is kind of a hassle but it’s only for a few days before the procedure and doesn’t hurt. In the prep, you are basically cleaning out your colon by emptying it. For the procedure itself, they knock you out and you don’t feel a thing.

I had to have two done and didn’t look forward to either of them but it’s the safe, preventive thing to do. If you have a case manager or therapist, maybe they can pick you up, my old case manager drove me to the hospital and picked me up afterward. The reason you get it done is to try and catch cancer early while it is still treatable.

You may not care about dying but you should care about living through the great pain of colon cancer. But you can possibly avoid that pain by having this procedure done. You can do this, you only have to have it done once every ten years when you get to be our age.


Yes, it 's true you need a person willing to drive you to and from the hospital. That person is responsible to get you home safely after the colonoscopy. You cant just take a taxi or an uber. The last time I had a colonscopy, I ended up having to pay for a medical driver service to get me to and from the hospital. It was kInd of expensive but I didnt have a choice since I needed the co!onscopy

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a colonoscopy saved my life on the first one I had…they found 3 out of 5 precancerous polyps…I would have died…you need it…get the ride, get it done…intestinal cancer you don’t want to die from, and even if they operate and you live, you might need one of those colostomy bags you poop in…boo.

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My dad is a colon cancer survivor. Since my dad had colon cancer I had to start colonoscopy’s at age 40. I have had three colonoscopy,s so far. Have to basically fast from solid food for a day and start drinking a solution of Gatorade and Miralax laxative solution. My last colonoscopy was 2 years ago and it went well. I shave to have a colonoscopy every 5 years.

LOL, that was a funny typo

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What about Cologuard? You collect a sample of your stool and send it to the lab. That’s what I do

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I did that too. :t_rex::t_rex::t_rex:

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I probably would not rely solely on a stool test except if there is no family history and even then only in between the recommended intervals for colonoscopy. Also, if the stool test comes back positive, It doesn’t mean you actually have pre-cancer or cancer, but it is required to do a follow up colonoscopy to take a closer look.

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Not colonoscopy but finally got appointment for pelvis and transvaginal scan this month. Excited and feel super great ful.