I bought 3 kg coffee today

They had a sale, 3 500 g for 10 euros, which was quite good. I bought 3 kg for 20 euros. Coffee prices are going up and according to the grocery store cashier the brand of coffee I got today would be over 6 euros without being on sale. 6 euros (500 g pack) is quite a lot. They told that coffee prices are just going up. Do you feel this where you are?

I went to another grocery store and they had a sale, 500g coffee for 2.99 euros and so I got three packs more and now I have 9 packs, 4.5 kg coffee. This should last for several months, but I do drink a lot of coffee.

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I drink instant these days. If I buy regular coffee I start binging it and it worsens my panic- attacks. My hands start shaking, my heart starts racing and I become dizzy!!

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