Chronic sadness (just a vent)

Whether im drinking or not i have got this chronic sadness. It beneath all my other emotions. Even when im happy and satisfied with my life there is an underlying sadness.

Sometimes it ruptures in to a depression for a couple of hours, and then back again.

Medicine can’t fix the problem. Spring and summer helps a lot, company is good, but I have to accept that the feeling can’t go away entirely.


Maybe you should buy an S.A.D. lamp?


I can definitely relate to that

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Sorry to hear that. Have you tried transcranial magnetic stimulation? (Not that I know much about it).

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I have one, it didn’t work. It’s kind of melancholic in it’s imitation of the sun, but thanks.

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No, i’m just a summer guy. I have to wait a month more, but i will check it out.

its not your fault we have ups and downs. negative energy and positive energy.


Depression is tied to low B vitamins.

A B-100 complex could make a night and day difference in mood.

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Thanks, i am in fact on vitamin B Complex, and i do help a little.

I dont think im depressed. Just chronic sad, sometimes just a little, sometimes, like tonight, a lot.

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Quitting alcohol would make a big diff.

Try non-alcoholic varieties so it tastes the same.

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D3 vitamin helps me, but I currently megadose it. You’d need to do blood test for it

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Yeah, i have quitted alcohol. Physically i makes me feel better, but the mood is the same.

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