Does anyone get seasonal depression?
Does anything help?
I have one of those happy lights I’m going to try this year.
I can already feel the heaviness and tired feelings coming on as it’s getting darker earlier.
Does anyone get seasonal depression?
Does anything help?
I have one of those happy lights I’m going to try this year.
I can already feel the heaviness and tired feelings coming on as it’s getting darker earlier.
My mother gets it really bad
Has used the light with some success
But yeh I think it’s a difficult problem to overcome
You can buy UV lights to emulate a stronger Summer Sun and increase vitamin D. I reckon it works for maybe 10 mins a day with barely any risk of skin cancer.
That’s interesting. My doctor prescribed me a high dose of vitamin D (50,000 IU?) to take once a week. I’m curious to see how well it works. It sounds like it may help a lot.
Thanks! I’m gonna try both. I’m glad there’s no increased risk of skin cancer with the lights.
I use a mood lamp. It helps me
I feel a bit of a dip when temperatures start to drop, but it’s not that bad that I would call it depression.
I have seasonal affective disorder. I use a happy lamp and increase vitamin d. It definitely helps if I’m vigilant about it.
I have a lot more problems during this time of year but a sad lamp actually has triggered me into a manic state
Idk if it would do it again I’m on mood stabilizers now
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