Growing up i was always thinking charity was ideal for having some money lying around to give it to a good cause.
But I see a ton of heat on charity especially celebs and influencers donating.
Are there sketchy aspects of charity ppl don’t really know about. I’m not too informed on the topic never really looked it up.
My mother loved the Food Bank and other charities. She could let them feed the family and save her $$$ for the holy trinity of cigs, booze, and weed.
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I give where I can. I’m on a pension so it’s hard when your on a fixed income. Still. I give to my local alternative radio station…Best programming ever and great music as a subscription and I’m a member of my local left wing political party for two years going…
It becomes problematic to me when these charities pay people to solicit. That isn’t cool in my world and I know people who’ve worked there doing it. I know it’s for a good cause but spending money to make money isn’t too cool in my book…Why do you need staff to get money in when your paying them? Non paying charities I’ll give when I can.
So ur saying they pretty much jack ppls cash to support their lifestyle?
You just made my tail go all bushy.
My mom did, can’t speak to everyone.
I’m personally fine with them hiring staff to advertise and do all the logistics. What I personally hate, and perhaps I’m not being fair, is when they have millionaires doing the advertising. “Hey person on a fixed income, donate ten percent of your income to this cause so I don’t have to. That way I get to keep my yacht, c’mon its for the greater good.”
I hate being guilt tripped by the same people who could take on world hunger if they united.
Yea the recruitment aspect of a lot companies is trash. Like they have to put in their own money and find others to do the same.
I would hope that they have stats to prove their consistent in giving back.
But then again cant expect accurate stats from these institutes lol
I think most charities are only required to give 3% of what they get to actual charitable destinations. They can give the rest to themselves I’m pretty sure, at least in America.
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Gotta look at the details like how much the CEO makes, what percent goes to research, and what they do with the money.
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That almost sounds like it wouldn’t really be effectivective but then again I don’t think they could keep the charity alive if that wasn’t the case
Or if the pay would be so low it would have to be classified as volunteer work …
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I think giving to charity is a good thing, even helping them in a physical way
Charities are often corrupt and possibly even tax shelters.
I like small local charities, not the bloated multibillion dollar ones.
Well, quite a few years sgo there was a big scandle involving the big charity The United Way. The top officers who ran it were embezzling the money they collected. I think they got prosecuted. I don’t even know if the charity still exists but it was huge in the seventies and eighties.
You just got to be careful who you donate too and if you any doubts about if their legitimate or not, do some research online about them before giving money.
There’s a lot of unscrupulous people out there trying to make a buck by playing on peoples natural generosity.
Also, even with popular, reputable, honest charities it’s good to check them out before donating. What you want to look for in a charity is what percentage of the money they collect actually goes to the people or things that they purport to be helping.
Most charities are legitimate and aren’t out to scam anyone but sometimes only 40% or 50% of the donations goes to the actual cause. The other 50% may go towards “administrative costs”. That means anything from paying the rent on the office they operate in or office supplies or feeding the volunteers or the telephone bill they rack up or the heating bill or office furniture etc.
A reputable charity will give you an itemized list of exactly where all all the money goes. But again there’s unscrouplous charities who may only give as little as little as 10%-20% to the children or trees or to the endangered polka dotted tree frog. The scam charities do stuff like taking the 90% left over and buy expensive cars for the workers or trips to Europe or new lawns for their houses.
So if you are going to set up recurring donations to a charity, check them out first!
The best charities are the ones who give most of the donations to the needy or whoever they’re saying they’re helping.
Nonprofit orgs need resources to fulfill their missions, which is why they need fundraisers. A lot of people will give money if you ask them, but someone needs to do the asking. And if a nonprofit employee brings in 5 times their salary, for example, then maybe that’s a good ROI and therefore a good investment for the organization and the mission.
And when you think about high-level donors—people who give thousands or even millions of dollars—you need someone within an org to cultivate a relationship with those folks. A volunteer is not going to do that, and they don’t have the same level of accountability.
Just my 2 cents as someone who works in fundraising and makes a modest wage.
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No its not. There are plenty of charity organisations that are corrupt and unaccountable. There been so many controversies like this in the last 15 years or so. The ones that stick out in my mind are the American Red Cross in Haiti, and Oxfam’s abuse of using African children/women in poverty as prostitutes.
Even if this are isolated incidents, the charity shouldn’t just be let off the hook.
It wouldn’t surprise me if there is a profiteering element towards the people at the top, even if the people at the bottom are none the wiser.
my mom told me the truth about goodwill. My dad doesn’t care but my mom prefers the salvation army.
Whats wrong with goodwill?
I give to local animal shelters. I should have tried to figure out how much actually goes to those pups. Next time I may give them something on their wish list instead. They have specific dog and cat foods they like you to buy for them along with specific laundry detergent and other products.
I’m all for donating to charities , bu don’t like being pressurised by phone to donate. I had a lot of that while living in Essex. I’ve had virtually none here.
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Church tithing bothers me. Im always broke and feel bad. I’ve always been not really religious but I believe in it. They say 10% of income. I could do more, but i don’t. Volunteering is just as important but im too nervous.