- yes
- no
- sometimes
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0 voters
I often give unwanted items to charity shops, such as DVDs clothes books etc.
I don’t give money to charities because I don’t agree with how they pay their CEOs six or seven digit figures. And because I’m on benefits and have little money to spare.
I feel like Ive done my part giving my clothes to charity.
I will sometimes donate to my local animal shelter.
I don’t actually give anything to charity shops but I do make regular donations to charities.
Don’t feel bad if you don’t donate, i realise that we are the unfortunate ones as well,
Its great if you do but it is not necessary
giving your time to volunteer is an act of kindness too
what you do on these forums is kind of like an act of charity @firemonkey
I try to give when I can it just hurts me that so many charities are â– â– â– â– though
I give too much to charity. I feel guilty all the time, so I give to charity to make myself feel better. I end up giving away all my money and having nothing for myself. This angers my parents at me too.
I compulsively give money to homeless people thinking they are angels in disguise.
I donate to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Make-A-Wish America.
I have three dogs that are all rescues,
I also give cash to the homeless dudes downtown all the time.
Maybe not giving to a charity organization, but I’m a charitable person.
I donate regularly to the women’s shelter and the local diaper banks. Plus whenever I see a homeless person with a sign I always give whatever cash I have. I’ve been there before.
I think giving money to charities is mostly a waste since most of the money is lost in administrative costs. If I have more money than I know what to do with I would give it to people that have made a positive impact on my life.
“Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness” I donated to the Red Cross after those hurricanes hit last year. I kept thinking about all those people being cold and wet. A lot of people were on the internet saying the Red Cross was a scam. They said the Red Cross only bought six permanent homes with the millions of dollars they got to deal with the devastation in Haiti. However, a Red Cross official was on the internet saying that the Red Cross had built quite a bit of temporary shelter that was much better than living in the tents that were available. I would have liked to donate to an organization that used its resources better, but I wasn’t in a position to know which relief organizations were on the up and up. If I donated to the Red Cross I knew that the hurricane victims at least got something.
I used to give a lot. But then two years ago I moved into a board & care home and the charities couldn’t find me, lol. I had a few favorite charities before that and I just set it up so each month $20.00 or $25.00 was automatically deducted from my checking account and sent to three charities.
But I was getting a slew of mail from various charities asking for donations and I had to pick and choose which ones to give donations to.
And while I lived in that board & care home there were lots of homeless in the area and a lot of them hung out at the 7-11 next door and I used to give them a buck or two as often as I could. I got to know some of them a little. And many recognized me because I was at the 7-11 every day.
I told them respectfully that I could not afford to give all the time but when I could afford it I would catch them next time and they respected that and didn’t ask twice (most of them anyways).
I agree with you.
There will always be costs associated with fund raising, but that’s not a reason to not donate.
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has costs of $2.4 million dollars per day. A large part of those costs are due to the fact that there are absolutely no costs to patients and their families. No costs for hospitalization, doctors, nurses, state-of-the-art medical procedures, medications, etc. Even food and lodging are paid for by the hospital.
St. Jude believes that parents of a sick child have enough to worry about.
I give monthly to the Salvation Army in memory of my son, who used their services once. I also give monthly to the Siena Francis House which is a homeless shelter. I also give monthly to St. Vincent de Paul which gives money to the poor and needy. I also give monthly to the Sierra Club which is an organization which tries to protect the environment.
I voted no, because I have not for awhile, but when I get rid of stuff, I take it too the thrift shops
St Jude helped a friend who’s 2 year old boy had a cantaloupe-sized tumor in his stomach that turned out to be cancer.
He’s 17 years old now, and would not be alive today if it weren’t for St Jude.
Their regular hmo pay for service medical plan dumped them when they found out he had cancer. St Judes didn’t charge them one dime.