Mine was terrifying I saw demons. Than they left and God showed up. I am still in awe of what my mind made me see, feel, hear and smell…non of it was real but I was totally in the episode.
I kept writing things down too. Special reminders and such.
Do religion and spirituality trigger you?
My paranoia is almost solely religious based.
Were you religious before schizophrenia?
I was raised in a pretty strict religion but stopped practicing when I was 23.
I am the opposite. I was raised in a very liberal house, but I became very religious
Yeah even though I don’t practice I still pray and believe God is always watching.
Stay away from your triggers
I manage…some days are harder my big thing is to not drink alcohol. I like that it eases anxiety at first but then everything is worse.
During winter, with severe negative symptoms, i tried alcohol in order to feel something again.
Some days I threw up, and I became disgusted by it.
Yeah it’s great for like an hour and than it’s downhill. I sleep way too much in the winter.
Winter here is tough. Summer tourists have left, there are few people in the villages here, night falls early in the afternoon etc.
It’s really wild experience
I’m in Minnesota we have winter for 9 months out of the year and it is hard.
Oh really? Here in Greece we have most days with sunshine, and summer lasts 4 or 5 months.
I shouldn’t be ungrateful. But winter is tough.
We get nice summers…not too hot and Minnesota has 10,000 lakes so lots of nature.
That’s great. Lakes bring peace of mind
My fiance and I are going to buy a small house on a lake in the next couple years. I love water.
So do you have a specific God that was communicating with you?
Goddess Annette is another name for Kali, Shakti, Mother of the universe.