Cats vs. Dogs

Controversial topic alert!!!

Do you prefer cats or dogs? I think this has been discussed before…

I prefer cats. I don’t think I am patient and kind enough to care for a dog… they need/want attention ALL the time and I can’t handle that.

  • Dogs
  • Cats

0 voters


hehe i like both. =D



I guess it depends on the dog for me really…

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i’ll pick cats. I like dogs but my late kitty cat has a special place in my heart.

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I like small dogs and cats. I’m scared of big dogs, especially certain breeds

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I am used to having a dog around but I don’t think I could handle taking care of a canine any more.
I am heavily medicated and obese.

Dogs need a lot of exercise and attention.

Plus I am too overprotective of them.

I’ve owned a cat once and I also like them.

They are easier to take care of than dogs.


I don’t like when it’s raining cats and dogs.:heartpulse:But I think a german shepherd would straighten me out.




I like the idea of walking a dog… but only if I lived in the city

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I love dogs especially big dogs but they’re too much work


Yes I agree, big dogs could get nasty on you when you don’t treat them properly. I got bitten and scratched by dogs and cats alike. The games we play.:heart_eyes:


I like dogs and cats but I like dogs more because they’re obviously better than cats

I’ve had cats and dogs but I prefer :dog2:. I have a weak spot for Bernese mountain dogs.

Currently I’m petless since I live in an apartment.

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I have had both cats and dogs. If I could I would have one of each again.

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Cats always win on the sz forum. I prefer dogs.


Your dog seems chill and content!


I prefer dogs as I have always had them and have one of my own. In my house there is a total of 4 dogs and 1 cat.

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Apparently when you love cats you are an Ailurophile and when you hate cats you are an Ailurophobe.

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Both… Although I do have a doggie

I like Cats more than people.
Cats are like the 10% of humans who don’t just confirm to the rules without reasoning why.

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I prefer cats. But that might be because my dog (my first ever dog) is not very well behaved, in certain situations.

We can’t take him to the dog park or the Farmers Market anymore, because he is aggressive towards the other dogs. The only dog whom he really gets along with is my MIL’s dog. They love each other.

Also, my dog has to be in a kennel while Hubby and I are away from the house. We’ve given him so many chances to behave while we’re gone… but we’d always come home to a mess. With him being in a kennel/crate, we have to constantly think about getting home in time to let him go outside, to do his business.

I mean, he’s great with the cats! I love that. He’s really gentle with kids. He’s really sweet with me and Hubby.

We have talked about doggy behavioral classes, but those are expensive. I don’t know if we will ever be able to afford that.

We adopted him when he was about 3 years old, so we didn’t raise him from puppyhood. I wonder what went wrong, that made him develop some bad behaviors.