How can we make the world better? what could you personally do in your life to make the world better? is it possible? doesn’t matter how miniscule it is
- I can do something
- Idk if i can do anything
- other
0 voters
How can we make the world better? what could you personally do in your life to make the world better? is it possible? doesn’t matter how miniscule it is
0 voters
Stop consuming meat.
No. Leave it alone. People only complicate things, and create chaos, no matter their motives.
I voted other because my definition of a better world is probably not your defintion.
Case in point. The good news is that I double meat consumption for a couple of days every time I’m told to stop, so I’m looking forward to the next several evening meals.
so i guess that means less people? lol
As beings composed of pure meat it would be impossible to keep from consuming meat, given that our bodies rely on our own tissues.
I’m fine with this consequence.
No one told you not to eat meat, so, by all means, don’t feel compelled to eat meat on my account. I know, now that I told you not to feel compelled you’ll be feeling twice as compelled as before. Good thing no one told you not to throw yourself under a train.
Meditating. I voted that I can.
I’m always happy to ingest more moo.
The policy only applies to vegans.
all i can think of is Genocide but i realise that the population of planet earth could naturally decline, what are your thoughts?
I vacuum carpets for the Army Reserve. So you could say I’m doing my part for the safety of the free world.
you wage war on dirt mate, proper veteran
I can help a friend or family when they need me. Even if it’s just lending an ear. I also want to start volunteer work once covid clears up
I am helping kids love to read.
Of course you can especially in your world. Being friendly or reliable to people. Listening and growing. You can improve your lot and that means you can affect the world in general.
You cant help the whole world. Its not my responsibility.
I help less privileged groups by teaching English. Not many people get to learn English so I teach it for people who are interested.
I donate a little money here and there. What gets me is those ads that say, “You could save this child’s life with 60 cents.” I suppose that in that sense you can do some good - saving a child’s life, but there are so many children who end up dying. Nevertheless, I live by the quote, “Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.”
You are a good English teacher,