Yes, I’ve had a number of anti-depressants make me manic also. Prozac, Zoloft both sent me to the hospital. I feel so lucky I can take an SSNRI without the same problem. If only there was something you pdoc could think of. Another type of med.
I’m so sorry. Your puppy and dad love you very much. You are strong. But i know you don’t feel that way now. Talk to your doctor. He will help you. Hugs.
I hope you start to feel better soon, you deserve good things my friend! I know how it can be with low motivation, it makes the simple things so hard to do.
Sorry you are feeling this way, @Vertigo. Whenever I feel depressed or low, I turn on my favorite music and just take it easy. Hope you feel better soon
I hope you feel better Wave. I’m sorry you feel this way. What happened that makes you feel this way. I remember like 4 or 5 months ago you seemed fine.