Can med stop paranoia?

When I go out, I feel like someone is following me.

Will increasing med help with this thought?

Has anyone been free of paranoia after taking med?

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Yea I had paranoia of that type.
Thought people wanted to kill me.
I was on abilify and it stopped.

How long have you been on ur antipsychotics for, it may just be a case of u needing to give the med more time to work

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I do still get some strange paranoia but it is not like masses of people plotting to kill me.

Was abilify your first med? How long did it take for your paranoia to go away?

I adjusted med 2 weeks ago

Oh right. Give it like two months for the medicine to do its magic. Before considering raising the dose. But I’m no pdoc ask ur pdoc what he she thinks.

Yes I’ve only ever been on aripiarzole

Are u on aripiarzole?

It took months to go away two months. Then more milder paranoia stayed for a while longer and now I still have some ‘mild’ paranoia but its manageable atm

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So it took you two months for your paranoia to stop?

Did you actually see the person following you or was it all in your head?

I’m on risperdone

They were just normal people going about their business but I perceived them as threatening, I could sense their hate towards me and craving to kill me and hurt me

Yes two months

Did you know why they wanted to hurt you?

Did you feel like this every time/every where you went? Was there a relief of paranoia during some days?

What mild paranoia do you have now?

Yes the serious paranoia was ongoing for I can’t remember how long now I was not keeping track.
People were initially just really pissed off with me in my store where I was working like annoyed that I existed and I was a waste of space, then it got more to just hating me to the extent they wanted to kill me cos it was now me in another dimension where that’s just the level of their mindset. I was going thru different levels of hell dimensions apparently that’s why.
I can’t remember about relief periods during those worst times.

The mild paranoia involves around having a bf and sleeping in the same bed, amongst other things related to a bf. This is one reason I chose not to have a bf atm. One other mild paranoia that I don’t even like to mention.

What about you have you had paranoia for a long time and why do u think those people are following u in ur paranoia.

So you were just paranoid in your store and not other places?

I think the government is sending people to monitor me.

So after two months, one day you woke up and didn’t feel the paranoia?

Yea initially it was just in my store then it became everywhere, even paranoid of my family at worst.

I don’t remember how it went but I think it was a gradual, graded process cos I didn’t just wake up one morning and noticed a complete difference

Why would they be monitoring you?

Did you just get less and less paranoid over time?

With your current paranoia, do you have them everyday?

They want to find ways to lock me up.

With my current paranoia I just try to avoid situations that would allow it to fester so that helps. Yes I got less and less paranoid over time. Having cbt also contributed to this where a therapist reassures u about things and gives u their perspective. U might want to try that aswell if u can afford it.

It sounds bizarre why would they want to lock you up. Thinking about it logically may help somewhat. But idk.

with your serious paranoia, were you able to go out and do other things? Or were you constantly paranoid?

they want to lock me up because of something that I don’t want to discuss here.

Aripiprazole is barely affective. It only helps schizophrenics with mild symptoms. I take medium risperidone dose and works magic. Talk with your doctor about adding a small doze of antipsychotics to your first AP. My paranoia was gone the second I took a pill.

Yes I was paranoid quite a lot of the time but I still went out cos I ‘had’ to do what the voices told me to do otherwise things would get worse than they were

Wishing u some relief ASAP, u can overcome this.

My symptoms were not mild and it managed to get rid of them. (aripiarzole)

However as of yet I don’t have sz, but psychosis so that may be something to do with it.

The thing with aripiarzole is it works by actually activating dopamine a tiny bit as oppose to blocking it completely. Idk how it still works even though it’s activating dopamine a lil bit, but it just works some other way to the typical aps.

Unfortunately for some this then means that It can actually worsen their psychosis.

I mean I did suffer with some crappy thought disorder and public people hallucinations at the onset of aripiarzole maybe that was to do with the fact that it was slightly activating dopamine.

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My paranoia didn’t disappear but it became manageable and WAY better than the hell I was going through. Meds reduced my symptoms and I developed, and am still developing, my own mental tools for the rest.

I started on risperidone but prolactin got too high so switched to Abilify slowly. At 15. I don’t have Sz but have Schizotypal and BP I suffer from constant bad paranoia when sick but AP took away most of it, the fear / terror isn’t there. But I still have paranoia but an amount that I can deal with and I take precautions but it doesn’t interfere with daily living. It sounds like for a lot of people that goes away completely though.

Yes, meds stop paranoia. Not always but most of the days. Ideas of people following me, wanting me dead, kidnapping me etc